Our baby girl!!

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I am sat at home in bed holding my baby girl trying to think of a name while feeding her and watching Bradley on TMS wishing that I could be there on set with her and do something more productive. I can't wait for tomorrow when I am going on air to announce the birth and her name but we haven't even decided on one. While I was deep in thought I herd someone come in through the elevator and then I heard Lizzy yell.

Lizzy: Mom where are you 

Alex: I'm in my bedroom 

Lizzy: Hey mom I just dropped by to see if you need anything and to see how you are and well to have cuddles with my baby sister

Alex: You don't have to have a reason to come over you still live here you know. Your more than welcome to have cuddles with her when she has finished feeding so I can go and have a shower and make some food

Lizzy: Okay yay sister time

Lizzy sat down on the bed next to me cuddling against my side and I felt like a proper mom. We sat like that until she was down feeding when I passes her over to Lizzy freshly feed and burped before going to have a hot shower and make something nice to eat for breakfast before Bradley gets home from work at about 12pm.


It was now the next day and I am in my dressing room sat with our baby girl waiting to go on and right on que Bradley walks in ready to do the show and she takes the baby from me and kisses me on the check before I put my arm around her and give a proper kiss before walking to set just in time for the show to start. I was sat in the green room watching the show until it was time

Bradley: Today we have 2 very special guest both of whom I saw this morning when I woke up. Please welcome our very own Alex Levy and our Baby girl

Alex: Awww hey babe, its nice to back here even just for the day I have been gone I have missed it.

Bradley: I know you have honey but you need rest and we all miss you just as much so now is the big moment are we ready to tell the world our daughters name?

Alex: Yeh I am ready if you are as she is due for a feed in 10 minutes

Bradley: Okay you tell them then

Alex: This little girl here in my arms is Bethany Louise Levy-Jackson 

Bradley: Wait are you serious she's going to have my last name too

Alex: Of course she is, she is as much your daughter as she is mine

Bradley: Awww I love you both so much, I never knew about this. That was a surprise.

Alex: No one knew I wanted everyone to see your raw reaction to it so everyone at home knows how much of a softy you are.

Bradley: Well you did that alright, we will be right back

Producer: And were clear back in 2 ladies and gents

Bradley: I love you more than I could say right now. 

Alex: I love you even more baby, we are a family now and nothing will ever change that.

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