Welcome to SM Entertainment

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The word translation:


that's hye-soo yura's outfit at the top

Kassie P.O.V

Zooming through the new land I will be calling home soon, I felt excited. Like we are about to get signed to SM Entertainment. Like wow.

And as a bonus we get to hang with...EXO!! Its a win win. I looked over at amaya and maddi, as they were chatting with exo I saw their excitement shining throught. They can't wait and....nethier can I.

After a long drive we finally arrived in front of a building titled .....

SM Entertainment

Its really happening. We stepped out of the limo into the building, the walls we covered with silver records and gold records. It was much like the studio in maryland only difference was not only did it have records it also had posters of the talented groups that are signed to SM.

"Welcome to SM girls." Tao said.

"Thanks." Amaya said.

"Thanks" maddi said.

"Thank you" I said.

We saw a well dressed young lady, with a pink pencil skirt and a black blazer that said "SM " on it approaching us . She had brown, pearly white skin and gray-ish eyes.

"Hello everyone, I'm Myeong, Hye-soo yura's assistant. I'm assuming you are our new talent Salang."

The way she said our name, it felt so...Real, like we made it. Wait? Who is Hye-soo yura?

"Um yes, yes we are." Amaya told here.

"Okay, oh goody. I've been waiting to see you girls." She said smiling.

"Well welcome to SM Entertainment, and welcome back exo." She said turning to each of us as she spoke to us.

"Thanks Mye Mye." Baekhyun said to her jokingly.

She rolled her eyes playfully at baekhyun's comment.

"Okay everyone follow me to the elevator."
She said waving us to follow her.

It was amazing, each step I took the more excitement I felt creeping inside of me.

We all stepped into the elevator, the doors closed and Myeong pushed the button to the 9th floor. Every time I saw the numbers light up, I felt Déjà vu from the last time we were in an elevator with exo.

Good times

Good times

I smiled laughing at myself for what I just though. Finally we reached the 9th floor and the doors opened, Myeong lead us to a red door. She took a deep breathe then looked at maya, maddi and I then said
"You ready?"

We nodded our heads then she opened the door. There inside were a man an a woman sitting at each end of a rectangular glass table. When we walked in the stood from their seats and bowed.

We did the same, then we took a seat around the table.

"Hello everyone, I'm exo's manager. Yoy probably remember me from when we were in Maryland. " He said smiling warmly at us.

"Oh how can we forget you, yoy were the one who made all this happen. Thank you so much for this opportunity." I said.

"Ni problem girls, ok let get down to businesses. This is Hye-soo yura, She is our newest and youngest girl manager here at SM. She is your new manager!" He said.

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