Car ride with 3/12 of Exo

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By the way if your wondering what the little ∆×∆ or like that symbols are there face played by the characters kk



S -Suho

L -Lay





Enjoy ~


Author P.O.V {The boys thoughts}

K- She's so beautiful.

S- gorgeous

L- Breathtaking

Lay P.O.V

As we were about to leave I looked back and saw two out of the three girls behind us whispering and giggling.

I saw the one with the black hair and black and white outfit wiggle her eyebrows.

Then I saw the most breathtaking thing every.... the blond one blushed She BLUSHED. She is so beautiful.

Kai. P.O.V

As we got closer to the airport exit doors i caught up to brunette but still a beautiful golden brown haired girl.

"Hey so I didnt catch your name, I got to stroke away your tears but didnt get your name hmm" I said nudging into her side a little.

I began to see redness creep up on her cheeks...... Beautiful.

"Um.... My n-name is Amaya and thats Madison and Kassie " She said pointing at the other girls as she said their names.

Amaya hmmm pretty name. I thought.

"Well Im-"

"Ohhh I know who you are" She said so cute but with a touch of sass.... Hot.

Amaya P.O.V

"Well that's good I mean I wouldn't hope you would any guy could stroke away your tears if you just met them" He said with a huge grin and a wink.

O Gosh




He ran up to the other guys as I went to the girls to.....Of course tell them what just happened.

What can I say we are close plus I wanted to avoid the questions that would happen later.

We followed Lay, Suho and <3 KAI<3 outside to a very very beautiful black limo. That just made me way more excited, Like were riding in a LIMO with EXO ×∆×

When we got closer to the limo a man jumped out of the limo, I guessing he is the driver sense he had on a black and white suit an a shiny black taxi hat.....Like in the movies ×∆×.

He open the door nodding towards us as we approached.

"Good afternoon Mr. Kim Jun M- I mean Mr.Suho, Mr. Kai, Mr.Lay and lovely ladies." He greeted us.

I wonder why he stopped his self from calling suho Kim Jun Myun.

"Good afternoon, Lance" Kai said greeting the driver that i now know his name is lance.

"This is Kassie, Madison, and Amaya " He said looking at Me when he said my name.


Maddi P.O.V

When we got in the limo , Kai sat next to Maya <3 Kassie next to suho <3 And across from them were me and LAY <3.

"So Madison where do you guys live" I heard lay say.

I looked up and replied shyly" Luck st 2021 the rosewood apartments."


The car ride was Amazing we talked, the boys joked around sometimes and flirted too oh did i mention the boys had their arms around us OMG ×°×.




i Heard coming from where suho was.

Suho P.O.V




I heard feeling vibration in my pocket. My phone. I grabbed my phone the arm that wasn't arounsd Kassie .....K. A. S. S. I. E. ahhhha so beautiful.

I took out my phone looking at the caller I.D ... Kris . He is pretty much My Bestest friend out of all the boys we are closer.He just like me. We are both leaders.

"Aye Kris." I answered the phone.

"Hey Suho, We need you guys to get here NOW. we need to practice our songs for the 'Lost planet' tour, Manager is getting angry. So get here NOW." He said hanging up. he must be stressed.

"Um hey guys That was Kris he said we need to get to the studio Now." I said.

Then I looked down at Kassie sitting next to me.

"Is it ok if you guys come with us to the studio, I promise right after we will drop you off" I said feeling bad that we had to drag them with us to work.

But right as the words left my mouth I saw her whole face light up.

"Of course it is!!" She said so excited and so... cute.

I looked at the other girls and they had the same express as Kassie.

Guess they heard us.

"Ok Lance, Change of plans we need to go to the studio"I said

"alright sir." He replied.


Okay short I know but I was really trying to update.

please vote comment n fees back plzzz

Thx so much

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