4| Reassurance

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Once I was finished, I finally had the urge to ask him.

"Megamo!!!" I shouted while I was in front of the bathroom's door.

"Yes, love?" He shouted back.

"Come here!!!" I shouted, and so Megamo came to the door, and tried opening it.

"Open it" Megamo said.

"No, I don't mean you to come in here, you could stay there..." I replied.

"Okay, what do you want, love?" He asked.

"I need a..towel, and clothes!" I said.

"Alright, wait a min, love."

~Narrator's POV~

After Ayano got cleaned, and dressed up, she went out of the bathroom.

"Where am I going to sleep?" Ayano asked.

"Beside me." Megamo replied as he was reading a book on the bed.

"N-no way that's happening!" Ayano exclaimed.

"Well, if you sleep on the couch, you'll be left with no blankets, and you're going to freeze later at night, perhaps, you should think about it, right?" Megamo said.

"Can't we ask your maid to get me a blanket?" Ayano asked.

"It's already past midnight, love. It's their time to rest as well." Megamo replied.

"Whatever, I'll still sleep here." Ayano said, and so she slept there. Megamo left out a small chuckle, knowing that she won't stand the coldness later.

~Time skip; 4 A.M. brought to you by A/N~

Ayano suddenly woke up by the coldness running through her body. Her foot feels numb, and her body's crumbled. Her teeth were gritting, and her nightgown wasn't enough to make her feel warm. At this point, she's hopeless, and thought that sleeping on the bed with him will only be the time where she'll sleep warmly; with a blanket, at least. Though she didn't want to sleep next to him, she didn't have a choice. So, she went up to Megamo's queen-sized bed, and took a part of the blanket that Megamo was using as well. Underneath the blanket, she felt his warmth, and sensed his delightful scent.

Time passed, and Megamo had finally woken up. When he woke up, he felt a weight on his chest, and when he opened his eyes, it was Ayano. He smiled, and stroked Ayano's head, who was sleeping peacefully on him. "She must've gotten cold," he thought.

The whole time Ayano was sleeping on his chest, he didn't dare to stand up or to wake him up. He waited until she woke up, and he wasn't annoyed a single bit, nor did he complain in his head. Being with Ayano was already enough for him, though she was asleep. The physical contact that he was having with her today is delightful for him.

When Ayano woke up, she noticed that she was on Megamos chest. And so, she got so embarrassed, and disappointed at herself for getting in that position. She promised to stay at the other edge of the bed, but she ended up on him. Ayano quickly got off his chest, and she sat down on the bed, in shock. Megamo also followed what she did, and asked her what was wrong.

"I-I wasn't supposed to end up here..." Ayano said with disappointment.

"Do you feel that bad?" Megamo asked, and Ayano nodded.

"Why do you feel so bad? Don't tell me, you're afraid of falling in love with me." Megamo said.

"No, that's impossible." Ayano said with a cold tone.

"Well, it looks like you're confused with yourself. If you're afraid of loving me, well, that's because of ego, dear. You know there's no harm in lowering your ego a bit, you know. I also don't like seeing you feel bad, so stop pouting, will you?" Megamo said.

"I'm not pouting, you prick!" Ayano said, as she brushed Megamo's hand off.

After the small conversation, Ayano, and Megamo started their morning by tidying themselves, and after, they ate their breakfast, together with Megamo's parents.

~Time skip to The Engagement Party, brought to you by A/N~

Ayano's POV

The engagement party was about to begin in 10 minutes, and I felt so overwhelmed. I was still in the room, staring at myself in the mirror, caressing the diamond pendant in the necklace that Megamo gave me. What if I'm actually considering marrying him? What could possibly go wrong, right? I mean he came from a prestigious family, he's intelligent, and got the looks as well. W-wait, am I actually..starting to reassure him?

My contemplation was suddenly stopped, when Megamo came into the room. He stood behind me, and complemented how beautiful I looked. The way he compliments me made my heart flutter. I don't usually feel these feelings, but when I started being with Megamo most of the time, it made me feel more, and it seems like- my cold heart was suddenly warmed by him.

"Let's go, love. The guests are waiting." Megamo said as he kissed my hand in an elegant manner.


"Are you nervous?" Megamo asked?

"I'm not used to facing a lot of people..especially I don't even know them.." I said as I bent my head down a little.

"They're going to love you, I swear. Now let's go." Megamo said, and so they finally went to the yard of the Saikou Manor that was full of elegant people, that has the same status as the Saikous. When the both of us showed up, the attention was immediately centered on us, and when I saw my parents, they showed me a warm smile.

The engagement party began, which was hosted by Kuroko Kamenaga, who was Megamo's close friend, and Musume Ronshaku, who was cherry-picked by Megamo for her lively personality. And of course Kokona, and Midori who were my friends, were also there, cheering for us. When the opening segments, and speeches were done, it was time for Megamo and I to entertain the guests, and interact with them. Musume, being a crazy girl suddenly blurted out; "OMG, the both of you should kiss!"The guests were startled for a second, but started to drive on the idea. For a moment, I felt so humiliated that I couldn't even move. Megamo, who didn't want to turn the event awkward, gave me a small peck on the cheek, but they weren't satisfied at all.

"Oh come on! What even was that! You guys don't act like a real couple, kiss her on her lips, Megamo!" Musume exclaimed, and the crowd cheered more.

Megamo then pulled both of my arms to his chest, and kissed me while my eyes were wide open. I went with the flow, and kissed him back. The crowd made a huge applause, and both of us turned red afterwards.

When the party was finally over, I immediately jumped on the queen-sized bed in Megamo's room. I closed my eyes for a bit, and without realizing, I fell into a deep sleep.

~Megamo's POV~

Ayano looked so tired from the big party today that she fell asleep in a blink of an eye. I felt sorry, but at the same time, I was happy because this means that I'll be sleeping next to her again. I fixed her position in the bed, and laid facing her. She was always beautiful since the day I saw her. I just don't get why she needs to kill, just to get what she wants. Can't she just...ah, forget it, her past isn't important. The important thing is, she's finally mine, and I won't let anyone get Ayano from me. 

Word count: 1237

A/N: AAAAAH! I'm finally back in creating my daily dose of cringey-fanfiction. (But seriously though, I hope that it's still decent) ANYWAY I know that this chapter is so boring, but I'll try my best-est to make the next chapter flavourful as possible! I'll try finishing it tomorrow so I could satisfy what you guys need, because you all deserve it (though only 2-3 people are literally reading this) I'LL STILL CONTINUE! See you guys again when I finish the next chapter, à tout à l'heure!

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