hospital tiem

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"Oh crap".

You looked down at your phone in your hand (paw?), and stared at it in disbelief. You turned your phone off and shoved it back into your pocket whilst grabbing a flashlight out of your backpack. Shining the light across the hospital you began to circle it, trying to find a entrance. Surprisingly the windows and doors were bolted shut with wooden boards, which made you wonder if coming near this place was a good idea, but you were far from scared. Eventually you found a hole in the wall of the hospital, big to fit you, you crawled through the hole into the hospital. Excitedly, you jumped up to your feet, and shined the light throughout the hospital. Vines covered the wall, small bushes were scattered on the floor, tables and chairs were on the floor, random trash was found all along the cracked floor. You gasped in excitement and whipped out your camera from your backpack, taking pictures of the area. You set the camera on a knocked over table and began taking pictures of yourself in the hospital. You grinned as you looked over the eerie pictures you took.

"man, I wish Alfred and Kao were here." You muttered as you looked over the pictures. You decided to start filming yourself exploring, flashlight in one hand, camera in the other. You walked through the decaying hallways of the hospital, you couldn't help but admit the creepy vibe you got from this place, but you loved it. You were in awe of the abandoned hospital, every door you opened left your jaw on the floor. You've never seen something like this before, and you were starting to regret not bringing Alfred and Kao with you.

After walking around for a bit, you decided to head up to the rooftop, if possible. You found a flight of stairs and began heading up to the roof. Nearly half way up the stairs you started to notice that the stairs were making a loud cracking noise with each step you took, unfortunately, you being the dumbass you are decided to keep walking up, which then lead the stairs to completely break under your feet. You let out a bloodcurdling scream as you fell down multiple floors.


You tried to breathe under all the ruble and dust your were underneath, you were surrounded by darkness with your flashlight and camera no where to be found. You shut your eyes tightly to avoid the giant dust cloud you created getting in your eyes. You had cuts and scrapes all over you, dust and dirt getting into them, you managed to crawl out of the giant piece of stair on top of you. You flopped over on your back and gasped for air, while you laid on the uneven ground. It took you a while to get up, but once you did you noticed that you could barely walk a few steps without tumbling to the ground. Falling back down to the ground, scared and confused you jerked your head around trying to find where the hell your flashlight went. Luckily you still had your phone- oh wait, your phone's gone too. With no light source available, you sat yourself up straight and waited till your eyes adjusted to the light. A while has past and you were still staring blankly at the wall, not because you were still trying to adjust your eyes, but because you had become strangely tired, you could barely keep your eyes closed, and your instincts were fighting to keep you awake. Finally you let yourself fall to the ground, hitting the cold concrete floor, falling asleep.

(don't worry guys musty furry dude will be in next chapter)

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