Chapter 1

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'Her hand slips out of my hand and I see the life go out of her eyes. She gone and now I have nothing left.
"Why would you leave me!" I scream at her lifeless body "how could you do this to me!"
"I am still here" Cody says tear streaming down his face.
"I know buddy" I cry as I hold him in my arms.
Now I am in Aunt Renaes house and I can hardly breath. The booze is so strong in the air. "Clean this nasty place!" She yells in my ear.
"Get us some more beers!" Rich yells behind my other ear
"Don't let them hurt me sky" Cody says trebling in a corner.
"I wont I promise!" I try to run to him but the room expands. The ground is like quick sand and I am slowly sinking in and all I can see is a heartbroken Cody.'

I have sweat on my brow when I finally come back to consciousness. Waking up these past few months has been hell. The only sleep I get is when my eyes can't hold them selfs open any longer. The pain has been to much to handle. I find the need to wrap my arms around my self so I don't crumble to a million pieces. It plays in my head like a movie and it never ends. Trying to shield it out only makes it worst. I just want it all to end, but then I think about what that would do to my little brother, Cody.

Cody is the sweetest and friendliest 7 year old you will ever meet. His gray eyes project all the warmth in his big heart. His neutrally tan skin is covered in freckles and his soft brown locks hang by his ear. He is always bubbly and is very out spoken. I don't think he really understands when is going on and why we don't have parents like other kids.

I couldn't leave him here to deal with Aunt Renae all on his on. She is as evil as they get. He nasty wrinkles don't make any since at her age. She is so skinny and hollowed out that I'm convinced the wind could break her. Her green eyes have lost all life and love in them. An ever since mom died we have been living with her, I hate every minute of it. She has made me the maid and babysitter. Not that I mind looking after Cody, it's just a lot of responsibly.

I finally get up out of bed when I hear the witch coming in the front door with one of her many Boyfriends, that always smell like old beer and cigarettes. I quickly shut Cody's door so they don't wake him and run down stairs to start breakfast.

At the age of 16 I don't think it should be my job to take care of a grown women, especially after the pass year I have had. But I don't complain because I know that is will only make it worst.

As she stumbles in I have to hold my breath.

"Ugh" she reeks of alcohol

"Excuse me?" She questions.

"Breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes" I said not even bothering to look at her.

"Why isn't it already done? You knew I would be hungry when I came home! You should have had it all done for me!" She was now shouting

"Sorry. I couldn't sleep last night"

"She always says that. She is probably trying to make a fool out of you, sugar pop." The idiot next to her, Rich said. Rich is he real boyfriend, they just fight a lot so many guys come and go.

"I AM NO FOOL!" She screamed grabbing my shoulder

"Don't touch me" I hissed pushing her off me.

"Please don't yell" Cody said rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Do something with that thing!" Renae said pointing her wrinkly finger.

"Come here buddy" I said holding out my arms to pick Cody up. "How did you sleep?"

"Okay. I had a dream about mommy. We were playing at the park" he said resting his head on my shoulder as I flipped the pancakes.

"Tell me more"

"It was sunny and we were swinging. You were there and you wouldn't swing with us. You just sat on the ground and cried. I tried to get down and help you but I couldn't." I could feel the tears starting to come. I remember when it first happened, I was useless. I wouldn't eat or leave my room and Cody was all on his own.

"I am sorry, I will always swing with you. Promise."

"Pinky?" He said hold up his little finger.

"Pinky" we locked fingers. I was able to keep the tears from falling.

I sat Cody down on a stool and made him a plate. Then I took a plate to the witch and her side kick. "Your welcome" I said coldly.

I went back in the kitchen and sat with Cody to eat my food. "We need to hurry or we will be late for school" I say

"I don't want to go. They won't let me color when I want to." He said with a slight pout

"Well you have to learn so your brain can be way bigger." I say with hand gestures

"No I want I This big" he giggles pulling his arms all the way behind his back.

"Then you have to go to school" I bop the tip of his nose.


"Let's go get ready."

We head up stairs and to our rooms to get dressed. I put on a white crop top and a pair of loose blue shorts with black sandals. I put on my watch and put my hair in a crown braid.

I walk to Cody's room to see if he is ready. He is sitting on his bed with a comb and a pony tail holder " will you put my hair in a bun? I don't want it in my face"

"Sure thing." I say putting his long hair up.

"Thanks. Let's go." He says pulling me out the door.
Just let me know if you would like more or another chapter. If anyone actually read this!! I think it will be a really good book if I stick to it. Thanks apple fritter for all the help!!

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