Chapter 2

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"Have a good day. I love you" I waved as Cody ran to his friends on the playground.

"Love you too" he shouted over his shoulder.

I got back in my Altima and drove to my school. The last thing I wanted to do was deal with all of these idiots. Can't everyone grow up and stop being so immature.

As I pull into the parking lot I see a spot next to my friend Cassie's car. Well I call her my friend because neither of us talk to anyone else and we have like every class together. It is just easier to say friend then explain details every time. Also she is really nice and never really had any friends. Her red hair goes perfectly with her freckles and he brown eyes are warm and inviting. She is always smiling and cheerful but she is also very shy and reserved. Being a nerd is her ultimate super power and more people need to give her a chance because she is an amazing person.

I use to have a group of friends that I would hang out with all the time. I thought they were my best friends an they would always be by my side. But after mom died and I became distant, none of them wanted anything to do with me. I guess that goes to show that you can always be wrong about a person. But When Cas saw this she was there to try and help as much as possible. I really appreciate her, her kindness helped me put some of the pieces back together.

"Hey, what you reading?" I asked Cas

"Wintergirls" she replied

"I love that book" I smiled taking a seat across the table from her

"Yeah it really good" she continued to read.

I pulled out 'Gone' and started reading as we wait for to bell to ring. But it never rings fast enough, my old group always gets there ten minutes before the bell and they treat me as if I am a piece of garbage. Their words are almost always cruel and hurtful, but I don't care as long as it is only about me an not Cody or Cas.

"Why does she dress like that? She is not cute she need to stop trying." Alex say loudly so I could hear

"She has definitely gained weight" they all laugh.

"Don't listen to them." Cas touches my arm for reassurance.

"I am trying but it sometimes hurts." I give a weak smile.

"Let's go" she says gathering her stuff and I follow.

We walk to first hour-pre calc-a senior class were we get teased for being smart. Most people think we would be seated in the front but the attention would be horrible. Normally we sit in the back unless Josh graces the class with his presence. Josh is a senior that doesn't give two shits about school. I don't get him though, he is very intelligent and would go very far in life if he tried. But he prefers to just waist everything good about him. All he cares about is his appearance, but who can blame him. He is crazy attractive with his light brown hair that always look like his just woke up and green eyes that look like emeralds. And let's not start about his amazing body, but if you put that all aside he is an asshole.

We took our normal seats as the bell rang signaling it is time for class. And pulled out our home work. "What are you doing this weekend?" Cas asked

"I don't know. Probably just let Cody decide" I smile "you?"

"I am just going to stay home probably. My average Saturday night."

"You party animal" we both laugh "you can always hang with me and the little munchkin" I offer knowing she won't except.

"That's okay." She smiles "I wouldn't want to be a bother"

"You don't bother me"

"Thanks" she said and then turn to face the board because the bell rang again.

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