Road trip |part I|

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"Mom, is it really necessary to drive across the state to some academy we can find In California? I'm just going to get expelled from this one." I rolled my eyes

"That's enough, Y/N! I've heard you bitch and complain over a problem you got yourself into for about a day and a half straight. I don't want to hear it for another 12 hours. One more negative peep and I'm dropping you off at the next bus stop your father passes." My mom hissed

"Yeah, Y/N no Peeps for you!" My little sister Aubrey giggled.

I almost flipped her off but I forgot she's 4 and the baby in the family so I just made a face at her.

I used to flip my older brother off when I was younger. We used to have full-on fistfights one minute and then the next he'd teach me his military combat and self-defense moves. He went to a school that prepped kids interested in the military. He went on and enlisted in the Navy. I haven't seen him in a year in a half.

But My mother is right. I did get myself into this shit. But it's not my fault. She told me to stop bitching about those mean girls bullying me and I did what she asked. This isn't how I wanted to start my first year in high school. 3,000 miles away from all my friends.

And I was originally supposed to go to a private school in Hollywood. It had so many amazing sports programs and electives. I was big on Cheer, Wrestling, and water polo. I always kept my grades up. Probably all the time I spent being suspended or OCS.

I decided to keep quiet to prevent from taking a crack mobile to the academy. I take out my phone and put in my air pods and listen to some AITA podcasts.

My mom snaps her fingers at me a couple of times. "Nuh-uh. Hand me your phone.." I roll my eyes and slap it in her hand.

"You don't need to buy vapes from anyone, you are going there to straighten out and maybe turn out more like your brother and sister. Well, a mother can only pray." She snickered

Ouch. Why would I want to be like that IPad obsessed sticky toddler? Maybe I could be a badass like Ethan.

I take my kindle out instead. My mom thinks you can only read books on it.

"Ah, Reading. that's more like it. You're on your way to becoming a civilized human being." My mom chanted

Oh, I'm reading alright. Magazines, my Instagram feed. That's still reading.

I fall asleep and I wake up. The GPS says I'm 30 minutes away.

"Y/N, we're almost there. I suggest you put the stuff you took out and put it back in your bag. And I decided to let you have your phone but there is some software to track your every move. And it's locked down well! So don't even try to find it!" She exclaimed

"Okay, stalker. Not like I'm almost an adult." I argued

"Maybe I can treat you like an "Almost Adult" when you start acting like an almost adult." She mocked

I only took out my kindle. She hands me my phone and it says I'm limited to 30 minutes of screen time with approved games and no social media.

We continue to drive and we finally arrive at the school with multiple buildings.

"Momma I Hungry!" Aubree screams

"Okay baby. What do you want to eat? You get anything you want for being such a good girl this entire road trip."

Aubree looks at me and gives me an evil grin with her dirt-covered face and flashes me a smile with Cheetos stuck in her teeth.

"Dairy Queen please." She whimpered

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