|A U T H O R 'S N O T E|

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Hello everyone ☺️ First of all a big thank you for giving this book a chance.

This is my first story . So yeah there will be some mistakes. I just want my readers to support me , guide me and correct my mistakes.

I totally accept the suggestions with open arm.

Copyright ©️ 2022

All rights are reserved by the author . No copying and stealing my content 

This story is posted only in Wattpad . If you guys see it in any other website , please bring to my notice.

And yeah the characters , names , story plot , everything is author's imagination . If it matches with any other story or reality, I think that would not happen, but still it's my own fiction . This story is not to hurt anyone. This is completely fiction not at all to do with real life .


This story is based on two different personality , going to learn and teach many things. I had tried my best to show the emotions and thoughts of the characters. It will contain some Tamil words and I will give translation for it.

And I will try my best to make it interesting as possible and won't bore you .

STARTED ON - 25.01.2022


So guys after debating with myself , I had planned to write the story . The plot is simple . No fights, no misunderstanding, no seperation..... until now . May be I'll think about in future .

I'd love if you all give me your support .

And I won't delete this story as I did with my first story,which I didn't even complete .

I'm so sorry for that.

So yeah give your support and wait for the first part .

Byee 💞

HIS CHELLAM 💕 [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now