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A girl in mid twenties , walked fast and entered a room . It looks like a office room . Then she went near the person who was sitting across the Xerox machine kept there . The person handed her a packet .

 she opened once and checked whether everything is correct . 

Mumbling a small thank you to the person , she hurried outside the room and reached another room in the same floor ,which looks like a staff room . Only three people were there . She went near one person , Who was busy writing something . The girl dropped the packet on the table and sat with a thud on the nearby chair . 

"God , Nishu don't ever give this work again to me yaar. " the girl sighed tiredly 

The girl sitting opposite , is our Nisha Vijaykumar . 

"Deepu  I had given you this work day before yesterday . It's your fault that you didn't complete it " Nisha Replied and again went to writing 

Deepika , best friend and colleague of Nisha , looked at her for a minute and mumbled something under her breathe

"Oki deepu , now stop killing me in your mind and distribute these notes to our students " Nisha ordered her without looking at her 

"yeah " Deepu sighed again . taking the packet ,she moved out of the room 

Nisha looked at her retreating figure with a small smile and shook her head at the lazy girl ,who happened to be a professor 

Nisha was engrossed in her work when she heard the low tune of her mobile ringtone . She took the mobile and saw that it was her mom  calling her . She smiled and attended the call 

"Miss.Nisha Vijaykumar , I want you here at home by 4.30 .Else you know the consequences " Mrs.Dhivya Vijaykumar shouted at her daughter 

"Hello to you too amma" Nisha said sarcastically 

Her mom rolled her eyes and said 

"Nishu come soon okay ?" 

"Okay mummy . I'll "

"And yeah while comin........"

"Yeah yeah i remember I'll buy all the things you asked me to . So don't worry "

Dhivya smiled

" Okay da seekiram vandhudu "[okay dear come soon]

" Seri ma vandhuduva . Ipo enaku vela iruku naa aprm pesara bye " Nisha said and hunged the call before her mom start saying something [yes mom I'll come . Now I have work I'll call you later ]

It was her cousin Jayasri's engagement today ,but here she is in the college working .

Being the closest cousin , she was expected to be there and doing arrangements. But she was also given responsibilities in her college . She can't avoid it too

She had already told about this to Jayasri . Being a sweet girl , she understood and didn't throw any tantrum.

She hurriedly completed her work and bid bye to her colleagues , she came to parking lot where her baby is waiting 

hei! wait wait , I'm talking about her scooty . 


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