|C H A R A C T E R S|

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Nisha Vijaykumar 

                  Our female protagonist is very brave , bold , beautiful , lovely , kind , respectful girl ,as usual . She's a lecturer in a college . She's 24 yrs old . Has completed her masters in physics and doing PhD . Very ambitious and responsible girl . Exactly like a wattpad heroine , but with a slight difference . She's not our typical daddy's little princess , but she's her mom's warrior princess .

Her Family 

Father    - Vijaykumar 
                               Strict yet lovely father , caring husband . Businessman 
Mother   - Dhivya Vijaykumar 
                               Beautiful , loving , caring mother and wife . Retired Teacher ,now runs a NGO 
Sister      - Tejashwini Vijaykumar
                              Lovely, sweet , cute ,chubby girl . 17 yrs old . Just passed her Board exams  


Ajaykrishna Rammohan 

                             Our male protagonist . 27yrs old. He's our typical wattpad CEO. Working as a CEO of  Mohan Enterprises . As usual , arrogant but sweet . A very loving son and brother . Very responsible . Grandfather's  BB {brave and brilliant } grandson , father's pride ,Mother's "still a baby boy " , sister and brother's strict yet sweet bro . Perfectionist . Oh and of course Handsome young bachelor . Had developed his business all over India .

His Family 

Grandfather - Mohan 
                                        A nice person who loves his family so much . Get angry easily but sweet when it comes to his family .Can't take a word against his family.

Father -  Ram Mohan 
            Jovial person . Loves his family a lot . Can't take a word against his .............. can we just say exactly like his father 

Mother  - Geetha Priya RamMohan 
           very very caring person . fun loving personality . She is a blogger.

Brother - Rahul RamMohan
                 21 yrs old . Studying b.sc. physics .

Sister - Sindhu RamMohan
                 17 yrs old . Naughty but sweet kid.


There are more characters , will introduce them while the journey . As of now they are the important characters .

You're free to imagine the cast . I'll let you assume yourself .

Tomorrow I'll publish the first chap of the book. I hope you all will love the story .

Until then byee <3

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