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"How can I get it through

I'm the one you can't lose
I'll try 365 days, 365 ways
To get to you"

Next Stop Transportation Shed.

The Six of us left the Hut and jogged to the Shed, we hid behind some rocks and bushes. "There it is. The transportation shed" Alex said "There's all sorts of Vehicles inside. We gotta get one, get across the canyon and get to the jaguar statue"

Martha and I looked over Bethany's shoulder "Okay. I see the transportation shed, I see the canyon but I still can't see the statue which is weird 'cause it's like the most important thing in Jumanji and it's huge" said Bethany.

"That's what she said" Fridge sniggered lowering the Binoculars from his eyes.

This bitch is high

"You drunk, Fridge?" I say "What are you talkin' about? No I ain't drunk" Fridge denied that was obviously a Lie "He is Drunk" Martha says.

"I had three little margaritas"

"Well you're about half your usual size" I laughed at Martha's comment.

"Whatever, Whatever"

"Alex, what do we do here? How do we get past these guards?" Bravestone asked "Last Time I just waited 'till they left" Alex said.

"How long did that take?" I spoke expecting One Hour or a Few Minutes

"Three Weeks" He replied "Oh we gonna die" Fridge groaned "Okay. Plan B" says Spencer.

"Maybe there's another door somewhere. But we gotta distract those guys first"

I can't talk to guys except the ones I know so Lord spare me

"I've got it" Bethany said "Distracting guys is like the main thing I do. He plays video games, I distract Guys"

Martha and I started talking about random stuff and laughing at the Dudes Guarding the Place. "Bethany, I hate to break it to you right now but you don't exactly the uhm.....tool kit" I heard Fridge.

"Not me" says Bethany, I noticed Martha freeze and making a 'turn around' motion with her head while looking at me so I did. Bethany held her palm up gesturing to us.

"What?" Martha asked "You Two have to go down there and flirt with those Guys and hold their attention while we sneak in" Bethany explained "No!" Martha blurted out.

"We can't just go over there and flirt with some weird soldiers we don't even know" I shook my head turning away "Come on, you're a Bold Bitch in school now we need your boldness here"

"You don't understand, I actually can't do it! Yeah I can Flirt. I know all the moves and shit but....." I slightly yelled in a low tone then I leaned over to Bethany "I can't talk to guys. I'm terrible at it" I whispered feeling a Little embarrassed "I can't too" Martha chimed in.

You have the tittle of a 'Bad Girl' in school yet you can't talk to pathetic guys. Bravo Y/N

"I can give you some pointers" she whispered back "No, I'm sorry. We have to come up with another plan. I'm not...no. Not doing that" I crossed my arms and walked away from them. Martha just sat down and bit her nails.

"Y/N you just have to distract them long enough for us to get into the shed" Spencer said

"I really don't think I can Spencer. I'm not.....like, I'm not actually some 'Badass' girl not like into the r-r-real w-wo-world. Shit I'm stuttering" I grabbed my hair like a Person who just escaped out of a Mental Hospital.

"What are you talking about? You're a total badass" he sneered as I stared into his eyes "You could do anything" I didn't realize I was smiling like an idiot but I couldn't hold it in anymore so we laughed together.

"That's beautiful Spencer. Why don't I just go ahead and set you guys up a nice candlelight dinner? or do you guys wanna get the hell out of here?" I felt my Face go hot. "All right" I said

"Show us how it's done"

"Class is in session" Martha and I followed Bethany away from the Dudes.

Spencer immediately shook Fridge after the three girls left "Hey! what did you mean by that candlelight dinner thing?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said it, Me and Y/N candlelight dinner. What does that even mean?"

"The Girl is into you Spencer"


Welcome to Flirting 1O1
by Bethany Walker

Let's get this over with. "Okay, in flirting situations the key is making them check you out without letting them know that you know they're checking you out" Bethany started

"You're like 'Whatever, I'm doing me' and then when they try to talk to you you can play it one of the three ways. Dumb, Super into it or Nasty. Which way you olay it depends on what kind of guy you're dealing with"

"This is like my Dream and my Nightmare all at one time" Martha commented "Can I play it 'Im gonna kill you' style?" I asked sarcastically.

Bethany rolled her eyes at my Stupid question and turned to Martha again, she takes off her hat and starts paying with her hair.

I think I wanna break the Stay away from Spencer phase

"Move it around a lot, hypnotize them with it" Bethany continued our Flirting class

"Give me a Flip like that" Bethany waves her head to the other side and we did so too "Okay, now angle your eyes down. Now head down" Bethany and I watched Martha struggle with her hair blowing on her face by the wind "Tilt up, eyes big. Now Sparkle"

"Sparkle?" Martha raised an eyebrow "Like an anime character, now sparkle" I said, Martha let out a few small gasps widening her Eyes each time. Bethany bites her lip "Needs Work"

"Do you really thinks she likes me?" Spencer said to Fridge.

"Why are we still talking about this?

"I mean, what if she tries to kiss me?"

"Okay, first Y/N would never do that. But if she does then you just kiss her back, Man"

"Uh, what if she tries to kiss me, like....without warning?"

"What are you talkin' about? Haven't you ever kissed anyone?!"

"I don't- Dude are you gonna tell the whole jungle?!"

Alex pops out of nowhere and stops the Two from arguing "Guys, guys. I found the side door, over here"

"Guess what I found" Fridge looked at Spencer "No,no,no. Don't tell him"

A/N: short chapter cause this author is lazy as fuck.

(Advance) Happy New Year everyone! <3

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