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"You have to keep your glasses on all the time.. you got that?"

"Why do I?"

"Because if you don't.. bad things might happen.."

"What bad things?"

"People might get hurt.."


Oh boy.. this is not what I wanted for my child..

"Because if you don't, monsters will be released from the darkness, and be able to hurt others."

"I thought you said monstwers weren't weal.."

I hated lying to him like this, but he had to understand that he needed to keep the glasses on his whole life, or else he might regret it.

"There are.. certain monsters that do exist.."

The five year old then ran up to me and gripped onto my leg.

"I'm scared mommy.."

He seemed genuinely scared, but I couldn't just tell him the truth. He couldn't know about the curse yet, like he would understand it anyways. I decided to bend down and hug him back. His oversized bear sweater was as soft as when I got it for him last August. He was elated, and he wouldn't stop wearing it.
"Uh.. Mom? Can I get a new Bear Hoodie? I grew out of my old one years ago.. and I kinda want another.."

I wasn't lying when I said I wanted a new one. I grew out of the old one when I was around eight years old, and I'm twelve now. I just missed how soft and comforting it was. My mom yelled back to me,

"You're Birthday is in a couple days, Bee. Maybe you'll get it then."

"Okay! Cool!"

It was a cloudy, August day outside, and it looked like it could rain at many minute. Even though this was the weather, me and three of my friends had planned that we were going to get together at the park.

"Hey mom, I'm going to head to the park if that's okay. I'm going to hang out with Rainbow, British, and Claw."

I heard her laugh, and she answered back,

"So you guys have code names now? And that's fine. Have fun, Blaza Bee!"

"I will! Love you, Mom!"

"Love you too. Just remember-"

"I know, I know.. don't take the glasses off."

"That's my boy."

I then headed out the front door. I started walking down the slight hill, only to hear rapid footsteps from behind me. I was a bit confused as we don't live in an urban area. We live in a community, but nothing like a city. We're surrounded by forest and nature. That's when I was tapped on the shoulder, and someone whipped past me, turning around in the process. They started jogging backwards while facing me, only for both of us to start laughing. He started,

"Hey, Blaza Bee!"

"Sup, Rainbow!"

"Hey.. I told you it's Astro.. Care Bear.."

I giggled a bit, as this was an inside joke between the two of us. A couple minutes of small talk went by when he then asked,

"This might be a bit weird, but why do you always wear your sunglasses?"

I was a bit surprised by this question, but just answered,

"No reason.. I just like them on."

"Oh, okay. I guess it's kinda the same for me too. I just like wearing my dad's space visor."

The Cursed Eye (A BlazaPlays AU)Where stories live. Discover now