Chapter 4 - Amelia

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Amelia's senses awakened to the soft scent of pine

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Amelia's senses awakened to the soft scent of pine. Pine and what seemed to be sandalwood. At least, that's what it was, if she could still distinguish the woodsy scents.

First it was just her nose working, her nostrils being filled with calming scents. Was someone burning incense? If so, they were doing a good job, because the scent was fantastic. But as her ears began to become aware of her surroundings as well, she managed to make up the sound of water running.
That was when she started to awake fully.

Much to her eyes' discomfort, Amelia fluttered them open, narrowing them as the light burned the now sensitive vision. The room she was in was large, almost royal like. It was also very expensive looking. The windows were basically floor to ceiling, tall and all open, with white opaque curtains keeping the remnants of the daylight away. The bed she was currently in was most likely king sized, huge, with soft pillows, linen white sheets and a dark gray comforter, that was currently covering her.

Looking over to the rest of the room, there was a big couch to the right of the bed, where a blanket and a pillow were, as if someone had slept there. Right next to it, was a big desk where, on top, was the biggest computer setup she had ever laid eyes on.

There were also a lot of books, all around the pace, some stacked, others just on top of the armchair and the bookcase. Bookcase that looked kind of empty, considering all the books that were supposed to be there were currently all over the room.

And she finally was able to figure out where the sound of water was coming from.

The door that was upfront to the end of the bed, closed, was where the sound came from, steam coming out of it. That meant the door to the left was the exit.
That was when she began to recall what had happened the last time she'd been awake.

Amelia had woken up with a staggering ache in her chest, only to find she had been dreaming. Having a nightmare was more like it. Visions of what had been done to her haunting, remembering her of each and every pain she had felt. And when looking to her side in distress, she had found a man, sleeping, all slumped and relaxed on a chair next to the bed she laid in. The problem was she had no recollection of ending up in that place. Much less of who, or what that man may be.

She had gotten up from bed, her body screeching at every movement, muscles sore from not moving for so long, exhaustion already seeping and clouding into her mind. The road down the hall had been painful, much like the trip down the stairs. And when trying to figure out a way to get out of that place, the voice of a man had made her turn around sharply, almost falling in the process.

That had been when hell broke loose. Five, she counted. Five men... No, vampires. Well, six, if you counted the one sleeping in the room she had been in.

Jin, one of them, had been the one to keep three of them away from Amelia, while another spoke to her. This one seemed gentle... She could still remember his voice, although his features were hazy in her mind. She had been way too out of it to actually remember anyone's features.

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