Chapter 26

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Jodie pov

"What's that?" Jamie asked, pointing to the foam I was putting in Harlow's hair.

"It's a special cream that makes your sisters hair stronger. She's a little bit sick and it makes her hair fall out sometimes. This cream makes sure it stays a little bit stronger for longer." I explained as I left it to sit.

"Oh no. You sick?" He asked, feeling Harlow's head for a temperature.

"It's a different kind of sick baby."

"Mommy says a that there are bad things growing in my tummy. It makes me sick and I have to go hospitals every month. Mommy says it should be done soon." Harlow explained as she played with the bubbles.

"Am I sick too? If my sissy is sick does it mean I might get sick?" Jamie asked, leaning against the edge of the bath.

"No sweetheart, you're not going to get sick, it's not the type of sick you can catch." I answered, running my hand through the little wet tuffs of hair.

"Okay." He smiled.

I started to rinse his hair off while Harlow's sat. I took him out of the tub and wrapped a towel around him before turning back to wash Harlow's hair. He stood right next to me, watching intently as I ran it through with water, trying to be as gentle as possible.

Once her hair was done, I rinsed all the soap suds off her body before turning off the water. I also got her out of the bath and wrapped a towel around her, being careful with her hair. I picked them both up and held them on my hips as I walked them out to me room and placed them on the bed.

"Right, you two, stay here. I'm gonna go and get J's clothes, and Harls, I'm gonna go down and get our suitcases. I don't want any injuries, so both of you just need to stay on the bed. Don't move." They both nodded at me, showing me they understood.

I quickly went to Jamie's room and grabbed his underwear and a set of pyjamas. I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed the bags I packed all of our stuff in. I threw it over my shoulder and ran back up the stairs, not trusting the twins to stay still for long.

"I'm back. Right, let's get you two dressed."

I grabbed Jamie, and dried off any other water droplets off his body. I pulled his little boxers up, and his pants before lifting his arms up and pulling the shirt over his head. I fluffed his hair with the towel to dry it a little before I was done. I pinched his cheeks lightly and kissed his nose, making him giggle and smile.

I moved him off my lap and moved Harlow onto my lap. I did the same as Jamie, drying off her body and getting her dressed. I grabbed a tub of her hair cream and slowly started applying it, running it through the wet strands. This was a leave in mousse which is supposed to help strengthen the bonds in her hair, and hopefully make it last longer. I can't see her lose any more.

"There we go. My two beautiful babies, nice and ready to sleep." I smiled as I finished brushing through her hair.

"Thank you momma." Harlow smiled, turning around.

"You're welcome pretty. Now come on you two. Go brush your teeth." I encouraged, watching them both scurry off.

While they were pre-occupied, I quickly changed into my pyjamas. They both came scrambling out once they had brushed their teeth. They both went to climb into bed before I stopped them.

"Ah, ah, ah. Let me smell first."

Harlow walked over and breathed through her mouth, allowing me to smell the mint in her tongue. I nodded and she crawled over to the bed. I did the same with Jamie, his breath also smelling of mint. I also nodded to him, silently giving him the permission to crawl up onto the bed. I whisked myself away to the bathroom to brush my teeth before reappearing to fall asleep.

I saw how they had both left a gap in the middle, coming to the mutual decision that I was to sleep between them. A part of me worried because I knew how much Harlow moved in the night, and Jamie is anything like his sister, they will both end up falling off the bed. Just hold them.

I climbed onto the bed between them and laid on my back. Almost instantly they both latched onto me, Harlow resting her head on my midriff and her hand stretched across my stomach, and Jamie resting his head on my chest with his hands cuddling up close to his face. I placed a kiss on both of their heads before falling asleep.


"Morning mom." I smiled, walking down into the kitchen to see her stood there with a cup of coffee.

"Morning. How was your night with the twins?" She asked.

"Oh god. It was chaotic." I laughed.

I had woken up about four times in the night, out of the sheer fear that one of them was going to fall off the bed. I found out that Jamie was nothing like Harlow, and slept like a log the whole night. Until Harlow did what Harlow does best and accidentally kicked him in the face when she was moving. Then he woke up crying which made her wake up and start cry because she realised she had hurt her brother.

"They're both sound asleep now. I'm gonna take them to the ice cream shop and then take them to the lakes to show Harlow." I explained, taking a sip of the coffee I had poured.

"Okay, sweetie. Just remember that it's Christmas Eve and so you need to be home before seven so we can go down to the Millers house and see Matthew on the roof. Jamie's loved it ever since he was a little baby."

Our neighbours at the end of the block, Mr and Mrs Miller send their son Matthew up into their roof every year dressed as Santa. They've always done it for the little kids down our road, and I'm so glad they still do it. It's a great opportunity for me to show Harlow, and see if for the first time with Jamie. My little babies.

What He Couldn't Deal With - JH (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now