chapter 37

182 4 25

(3 week time skip)

jaden pov

i woke up to the soft echo of harlow singing in the bath. i could hear them both giggling away as the sound of water hitting the floor and corey sighing followed. i chuckled lightly and carefully tried to detach ellie from my hip.

i got up and threw on a pair of joggers to cover up my bottom half, leaving my chest bare. i pulled the covers over ellie and discarded of any evidence from last night's activities before leaving to go brew some coffee.

i got into the kitchen and immediately saw a white envelope sitting on the counter. i didn't really think much of it at first, just continuing about what i was doing before i reread who it was addressed to. that was when i notice it was for me. i finished brewing my coffee and took a sip before taking the envelope off the side and inspecting it.

"what is that?" corey asked, walking past me and dumping two towels in the washing machine.

"no clue. haven't opened it yet." i stated simply, putting it back down on the side.

"you expecting anything? an extra pay check, or a bill, or something?" he asked again, stopping on the other side of the island.

"i don't know. i haven't opened it yet." i repeated, putting my coffee mug down on the side.

"open it then." i nodded in response and began opening the letter.

dear reader,
herein lies the results of the dna test performed on harlow williams and jamie williams on january the 8th 2022. dna test taken to conclude if one jaden hossler is the confirmed biological father of the two children. dna also taken from the mother of one jodie williams.

the results conclude that the dna of harlow williams and jamie williams in comparison to the dna of jaden hossler are a match, confirming that jaden hossler is indeed the father of the two children.

if you feel as though these results may be falsified or incorrect please contact us at 0204464895 or email us at

thank you.

"i'm a father." i stated, rereading it to make sure that i've understood it correctly.

"you're a what?" corey scoffed, making me look up at him.

"the dna test i ordered for harlow and jamie. i'm a match. they're my kids too." i explained, passing him the letter to read.

"shit." he mumbled, throwing it on the counter.

he left before i had a chance to question him. i stood there in the kitchen, just continuously reading over that one line. jaden hossler is indeed the father.

jaden hossler is indeed the father.

jaden hossler is indeed the father.

"i'm a father."

"what?" i nearly jumped when i heard her voice run through, breaking me from my trance.

"oh. good morning baby." i smiled, walking over and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"yeah, yeah. what do you mean that you're a father?" she asked, accepting the hug but not really reciprocating it.

"oh right. the dna test i got for harlow and jamie. i'm actually their father. they're my kids." i explained, showing her the letter i got.

"right. that doesn't change anything though." she shrugged, putting the letter down in the side and drinking my coffee.

"what? what are you talking about?" i asked her, watching how her demeanour changed.

"jaden, that's nothing but proving you're their sperm donor. you're not their father. you have to actually be there for your kids to be their father. if anything, corey is more of their father than you are." she answered, not really looking at me.

"we'll i didn't get a chance to be their father. i had to leave for jodie's sake. i needed to protect my kids. but now i wanna be there for them. i wanna watch them grow up, i wanna raise them. ellie, they're my babies, and all i wanna do is be in their lives. and that's what i'm trying to do but jodie isn't letting me. that's why i'm going through the courts. so i can do just that." i explained, feeling hurt that she didn't think i had a right to my kids.

"jodie isn't letting you because you walked out on her when she was most vulnerable. no one stood by her when she went through that pregnancy alone. she told you that you got her pregnant and you called her a low life whore. can you see why she wouldn't want you anywhere near her children? she doesn't trust you, and rightfully fucking so. you don't deserve a life with those beautiful children. you left them, not the other way around." she switched so quickly.

she was so tame and calm when she woke up. now, she's suddenly gone cold, almost shutting me out. she just doesn't seem to grasp that i couldn't really control what happened back then.

"baby, i was young. i was scared okay? i did a stupid thing. i know that. but i'm trying to make up for it now. i'm trying to show jodie that i'm dedicated, and i'm here to help. but she's not letting me. so i have to go through the courts. she's left me no choice." i reasoned.

"you can't change your mind in a day. stop acting like you're entitled to those kids. don't forget jaden, you walked out on them. not the other way around." she put the mug down on the side and stormed off.

i was speechless. i couldn't comprehend why she didn't see things the way i did. all i wanted to do was play a part in my kids lives. if i can't do it privately, i'll get it in writing and do it legally.

those kids are mine too. jodie can't keep them from me forever.


"what corey?" i asked, keeping my back to him.

"look, i know i have no place to say this, but just, please reconsider what you're going to court for."

"what are you saying?" i questioned, turning around to face him.

"watching you file for full custody will break jodie. all i'm asking is for you to consider going for joint custody? she's worked so hard to get where she is and you tearing those kids away from her will absolutely destroy her." he answered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"corey, i will file for whatever custody i wish to claim. nothing will stop me." i stated before walking out and going to find ellie.

i need to sort this out quickly.

What He Couldn't Deal With - JH (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now