Chapter 1.7

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Third person POV

There's some sort of energy coming out of Dr. Selvig's machine and it goes to the sky. The sky opens and Chitauri aliens come through.

"Right. Army." Tony says flying up to the army. 

Tony shoots missiles out of his suit towards the aliens, blowing some up. Aliens fly through the city blowing stuff up and destroying everything they can.

Loki walks outside seeing the army and Thor shows up.

"Loki!" Thor calls out getting Loki's attention.

"Turn of the Tesseract or I'll destroy it." Thor demands.

"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war." Loki tells him.

"So be it." Thor says and Loki screams and lung at Thor, barely missing.

Loki tries to hit Thor with the Tesseract but Thor hits the Scepter away with Mjölnir. Loki lungs again and Thor ducks just in time. Loki shoots a laser from the scepter and it hits Mjölnir. Thor hits the scepter with Mjölnir and it hits the K from the letters on the building making it fall down.

"Stark, we're on your three, headed northeast." Natasha speaks into the coms, while she flies the jet with Steve and Clint still in it.

"What? Did you stop for drive through? Swing up park. I'm going to lay them out for you." Tony says and he flies the aliens to where the jet is. Natasha shoots the aliens.

"Sir, we have more incoming." Jarvis informs.

"Fine. Let's keep them occupied." Tony says and he flies off again.

Natasha flies the jet to where Loki is seeing him fight with Thor.

"Nat?" Clint says.

"I see him." Natasha tells Clint.

The jet shoots bullets and Loki blasts the jet making it loose control and it lands somewhere with a thud. Clint and Natasha unbuckle and they walk out of the jet with Steve.

"We gotta get back up there." Steve says and they all look up seeing more aliens come through from the sky and a their ship where aliens jump from.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asks looking around.

"Seeing. Still working on believing." Tony answers Steve. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Tony asks.

"Banner?" Steve asks confused.

"Just keep me posted." Tony says.


Your POV

I open my eyes with a groan seeing all the lights making my eyes hurt. I look around and see that I'm in a medbay. I stand up getting my shirt back on because I was shirtless. I start to think and then it hits me, Loki. That som of a bitch. I walk around trying to look for Fury and he's talking to Maria.

"Surprise." I speak of scaring the two people and they turn to me with widened eyes.

"Alex?" Fury asks and I nod.

"Hey." Maria says and I smile. She comes over and hugs me making me wrap my arms around her.

"You're small." I mumble and she hits me.

"Ow!" I yell and she laughs.

"Good to have you back." Fury says.

"Did I die?" I ask Fury and he nods.

"And now you're alive." He points out and I laugh.

"So I'm feeling good, Venom wouldn't let me die. Can I go and save the world now?" I ask and he nods.

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