Sundrop/Moondrop x male security guard reader

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(before I start I'm doing x male reader first because it's more comfortable for me mainly because I'm transmasc. I'm not fetishizing mlm.)
(CONTEXT: you've been the night guard for two weeks and you already know Sunny but you don't know Moondrop...yet~)

*My shift starts in a few, better get going...* He put on his uniform hat and walked out to his car. The night guard began to drive to the Fazbear PizzaPlex. It was a fairly new place and it needed someone to watch the daycare after hours. 17$ per hour! Now that's some money you needed. As you pulled up around the back of the large building you got a feeling in your stomach. You were hungry. You hadn't eaten before you got here, big mistake. *I'll be fine.* You thought to yourself. You walk in the back with your keys and you adjust your large cap. You walk in with a sigh as you were not ready for tonight. "Just a few more days till I get got this." You mumbled quietly. Your footsteps echoed through the empty hall while you strutted to the daycare. You saw Freddy running to your right quickly while talking to himself it seemed. That was none of your business though. You questioned it a little but didn't care enough. Besides your shift started in less than three minutes! You started to speed walk to the daycare.

You got to the slide and quickly slid down. You face planted into the ball pit with a thud. "HMPH-" You rose your head in annoyance and you were scooped up in someone's arms.

"HOO, HOO, HOO! New friend- Oh wait. Hello y/n! You were almost late weren't you?" The enthusiastic voice was Sundrop! The daycare attendant. I guess they need their own attendant, huh? "No! I wasn't late. Was I..?" You hoped you weren't late because you know Sun has a very special punishment for naughty boys who don't show up on time. "Thank goodness you were not! You better get clocked in though!" Sundrop said as they set you down on your feet. "Thank you. Right!" You hurried to the back and clocked in with your card. You sighed and took your hat off. You looked left and right before you slowly opened a drawer with a few granola bars in it. You opened on and sun sneaked up behind up

"Oh, hoo, hoo! You're not supposed to eat back here without permission, y/n~" You shiver. "Gimme a break, Sun! I didn't eat anything today." Sundrop shook their head "You're gonna get in trouble~" The tall animatronic said lowly. Your arm shook as you get the granola bar down. "Why do you sound like that, Sunny?" "Like what, y/n?" The bot said cluelessly. "You know what I mean!" Your face burned up with embarrassment. Sundrop knew what they were doing and the way they were looking at you oddly turned you on...

Your pants slowly began to feel tighter and tighter. "Y/n~ I'm flattered!" Sun said as they got closer. You got pushed to the wall by Sun as they pinned their arms around you. You got harder as Sundrop pressed their crotch to you. "Is this okay, sunshine~?" They asked you before proceeding anymore. You nodded slowly as your face got very hot. Sundrop began to grind into your crotch causing you to let out a soft moan. "Hhh..~" Sun reached and unzipped your uniform jacket. You slipped it off along with your shirt. Sundrop began to kiss and suck on your chest, leaving small hickeys and marks. "Mm-mhh fuck~" You moaned out as you arched your back slightly.

Sundrop slowly trailed his tongue down your chest and stomach, stopping at your pants. They looked up at you and you nodded quickly. Sun ripped your pants down along with your underwear. Your hard dick was out and Sun stared in awe. "You look so cute like this, y/n~" Sundrop said as they got on their knees. "O-oh fuck~ P-please, Sunny~" you begged them "Please what~?" They looked up at you while they held their mouth over your tip.

"Please..t-touch me already~" You begged. "Here~?" Sun said as they started to stroke your dick slowly. "O-oh fuck~!" You moaned out, unprepared for the sudden pleasure. You claw on the wall behind you as Sundrop began to move their cool hands faster and faster. "Oh fuck~ Hhaah~ M-mhh~! Fuck, Sunny~" You bit your lip and tilted your head back. They were sucking you slowly at first but Sun quickly grew faster and faster. Your cock twitched constantly in their mouth as you rode up the wall. "MMHHNN~ F-FUCK~!! Fuck, Sunny~" you got higher up the wall and your elbow hit the light switch. "Ahh shit-" You were caught off guard at the gagging on your dick. Sun started to grunt and gag as they started to form into a different animatronic.

Sundrop and Moondrop x reader SMUT/fluffWhere stories live. Discover now