Sundrop/Moondrop x male reader SMUT/FLUFF

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(I was doing an x female reader but idk i discarded it because it was so dry- Enjoy gay people 😻)
Context: You're already in the Daycare, spending the night!(also i got inspired by @/suprrboorr on Tiktok!!)

As you relaxed beside a large part of the jungle gym on your phone you saw Sundrop waddling quickly to you. You smile and stand up. But once you stood up straight your back and shoulders were killing you! You groaned and Sun went to your side. "What's wrong, sunshine?" They asked you sincerely. "Just my back- Ugh...Hey Sunny, you can make your hand vibrate right?" You asked. "Yes I can! Why do you ask?" Sun crouched down to your level. "Do you think you could just massage my back for a while?" You asked with a pleading smile. "Oh of course, sunshine!" They said quickly and you turned around making your back face Sun. Sundrop rubbed their hands together quickly and you heard the soft wwhhhiiiirrrrrrrr of Sun's hands. They gently rubbed your shoulders and back making it crack a few times.

"Mmmhh~ This feels incredible, Sunny. Th-thank you-" You melted into their touch. "Hehe! No problem, sunshine!" Sundrop's smile relaxed and their mind began to wonder. Moondrop began to speak to Sun. Moon:*"Wow Sunny~ Your mind is really going in the gutter~"* Sun:*"Shush..!! I-I can explain myself-" Sun then went silent. They could not explain their naughty thoughts. As you let out more and more groans you felt something poke you behind you. You didn't really think of it until you felt it twitch. *Is that Sun?! Are they really hard right now? Me and my big mouth...-* You felt it twitch again and your face went red. "A-alright thank you again, Sun!" Sundrop let you go and held their hand over their crotch. "I'll go get you a pillow and blanket!!" Sun ran off and you laughed nervously.

Once Sun came back they had a pillow and a very fluffy looking blanket. Along tape...? Sun began to tape the light switch. "Sunny, what are you doing?" You asked. "I don't want Moon to come out." They said with a growl. "Why's that?" You tilted your head. *LET ME OUT, COWARD.* Moondrop shouted in their headspace but Sun ignored. "They will tell you MY secrets." Sun said while taping the light switch more. "Well, I'm sure whatever it is can't be that bad!" Sun put more tape. "Plus, I like you both, so I'll miss Moony..!" Sun sighed and checked the time. 10:12. "Fine..." They said as they took the tape off. "Thank you, Sunny!" You said with a smile. Sundrop whirled and grunted as Moon was staring at you with their red glowing eyes. "Hello, starlight~" Moon said lowly. "Moony!" You smile and gestered them over. They walked to where you laid on the floor and you hugged them down. Your hug was tight and it made Moon fall on top of you. "How have you been?" You asked. "Fine, fine. Some kids got in trouble today!" Moon said smiling. "Ooo! What happened?" You asked with curiosity. "They got into a little slapping fight over a crayon. And of course it was a red one. silly. But they learned to share and to ask next time for another colour." Moon explained the story and you snickered. "I remember when I used to fight with kids over silly things as a kid!" You grinned nervously. "Were you a naughty boy~?" They asked seductively. You laugh nervously. "I guess you could say that...!" Your mind always went in the gutter whenever Moondrop would call you naughty. You i think they know that it turns you on and you kinda liked that they had that power over you. You liked degradation a little but praise sent you over. Whenever Sun or Moon would call you a good boy it always made you horny.

"Sun wants me to tell you something by the way~" *NOOOOO-* Sun yelled out in their headspace. "Uh oh. Is it that bad?" You raised an eyebrow. "Sunny's just had some...naughty thoughts about you~ And so have I~" You feel your body get hot. "It looks like you like the sound of that~" Moon said. "H-how do you know?" You stuttered over your words. Moon wasn't wrong but how could they tell? "Your face is red, you bit your lip a little, don't think I didn't see that! Also i can see this~" They looked down at your hard dick poking through your pants and blanket. You didn't even know you were this horny! "I-I fuck..~" You look up at Moondrop with needy eyes. "You know..,Sun liked the noises you made earlier~" Moon said. "D-did they now?" You feel your dick twitch. "And so did I~" Moon got up and pinned you down. They removed the blanket off your lap and looked down at your crotch. "Hhh~" You breathed lightly. "Is this okay?" Moon asked seriously. You nodded as your thighs pressed together to hide the tent in you pants. "Look at you~ Trying to hide from me, hm~?" Moon asked. You opened your legs a little and Moon spread them fully. "Take off your pants, baby~" You quickly obeyed and lifted your hips up. You slipped your pants and boxers off, as your cock sprung out. "Mmmh~" You moaned out softly as you felt Moon grind their crotch into yours.

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