Chpt. 23 | さようなら

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𝔸𝕜𝕒𝕣𝕚'𝕤 𝕆𝕍~

             A good month has passed since I talked to Leo about wanting to leave. He's asked me about it a couple times, but I always tell him the same thing: "I'll let you know when I'm ready. Thanks, Leo." The thing is, I don't think I'll ever be ready. I think this is something I'm just gonna have to do, but it's so much more difficult than I had anticipated. Imaging my life without the brothers, Splinter, and April... I just can't do it. Memories of them begin to flash through my mind, from the first time I met them to now, every moment is so precious to me.


               🧡 "Whoa, pretty lady, be careful! Wouldn't want you to fall for me that hard, huh?" The Tangerine says, trying to be funny. I just roll my eyes and refocus on the woman.


              "Um... I'm sorry but, who are you?" She practically stares into my soul and says, "It's me April, April O'Neal." "April..?" I whisper as I stare at the concrete roof. My own eyes gloss over as I bring a hand up to cup my mouth. 'I can't believe it! She's here—She's really here!' My body moves on its own as I rush to wrap my arms around her body, pulling her as close as I possibly can. "I can't believe it's you."


             "Um... What are your names?" I ask to try and rid the awkward tension. Though, I think I already know. 💜 "Oh! I'm Donatello! This is Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo." 🧡 "But you can call us by our nicknames," Says Michelangelo. "Which are?" 🧡 "Oh! Sorry. You can call me Mikey, then there's Raph, Donnie, and Leo."


               "For what?" "Say that again. I want to hear your voice." 💙 "For what?!" "Wow. Well, uh-" I quietly snicker to myself. "Oh, you're awake. What's so funny?" Sacks looks at me expectantly. I try and keep my head up straight, but I feel like I'm about to pass out...again. "Heh...don't mind me. I wouldn't want to interrupt your special time with Leo," I mumble with a smug smirk on my face. Donnie and Mikey snicker to themselves while Leo looks at me with a small smile.


             Shredder makes his way behind April; My eyes widen and I yank her under my form. I cry out as a sharp pain rips through my entire being. 🌈 "NO!!" "NO!!" April sobs under me as she wraps her arms around my neck.

    "I have no more uses for you," Shredder snarls as he leaves. April continues to cry under me as I bleed out.  "I'm...sorry," I murmur as I use the last of my strength to push myself away from April. She continues to cry and cling to my dying form. "No, no, no!! Please!! Please don't leave me!" I take a final shaky breath before the world fades away completely.


              🧡 "Angelcakes! I'm so happy you're okay!" He sobs into my shoulder; I frown and rub small circles on his shell. "I don't go down that easily, Mikey. You don't have to worry about me," I giggle as he carefully pulls me closer. I can tell he's scared he's gonna hurt me; I should really heal myself before I pass out again. 🧡 "Of course I was worried! You were gone. I thought I'd never get to hear your beautiful laugh, or see those stunning eyes of yours ever again," He mumbles as his hands cup my cheeks. My bottom lip quivers as I stare into his emotion inducing eyes. "I- I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry."


             "Shut up and turn around." He stares at me with a shocked expression before turning around. I take two big strips of tape and put them on his shell in an 'x' shape. "Alright, big guy...all done." I pat his back with a smile. ❤️ "...Thanks." "I'm sorry, what? I didn't quite catch that. Could you say it again?" He rolls his eyes and tries to hide a small smile forming on his lips. ❤️ "Nothing, dumbass." I gasp, pretending to be offended, "Raphael! Oh, I'm hurt."

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