Eternal - Chapter 1

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A/N: This will be a multi-chapter fic and it will be a tear-jerker. Brotherly love as always, just wanted to give you a heads-up <3 


They've been working too much.

Laurent is busy somewhere next to him, moving around the kitchen and trying to unscrew a pill bottle with mediocre success, but Larry doesn't pay him much attention. He's thumbing through his phone with one hand, while eating breakfast with the other.

They are technically on a break, but even so they've got a full week of workshops and interviews ahead of them, getting shuttled from one place to another with journalists and radio moderators gabbing in their ears and it's worn them to a point of exhaustion. Larry isn't sure how many more questions about their favorite dance moves or about their love life he can take before he'll show those interviewers a side of himself that is usually reserved for street battles and haters.

At least Larry's catching an okay-enough amount of sleep, but Laurent has lately had a hard time falling asleep and it's starting to show, dark circles having appeared under his eyes. With Laurent standing shirtless in front of him, Larry also can't help noticing that his twin's rib cage is slightly more pronounced than usually. Their bodies are practically the same, but right now there's a notable difference in their physique and Larry frowns at it. 



"You want the rest of my eggs?"

"I thought you were hungry," Laurent says because he knows that the world has to be ending for Larry to offer up his food.

"I can't finish all of it," Larry returns without meeting Laurent's eyes. 

He can't lie for shit, least of all to his brother, so he quickly shoves the plate across the counter and returning to the agenda on his phone. 

Three weeks into the promo for their latest music production and Larry feels like they've been going for a year-and-a-half. He can't believe there are two more months of this shit ahead of them. He glances over at Laurent again to find him poking listlessly in his breakfast, barely touching the food. His frown intensifies when he catches Laurent rubbing his temples. 

"Your head again?"

"It's nothing."

Larry sighs.

He knows Laurent has been downplaying his migraines for a while now, even when his brain felt like pulsing right through his skull sometimes. Even when his eyes could barely stand the studio lights and when his bowl of fruits in the mornings got swapped with a glass of water and a handful of aspirin. Larry is starting to think they should let it get checked out by a doctor, but trying to convince Laurent of that would be like trying to go head-first through a brick wall. 

"I can't wait to be home," Larry sighs. "Sleeping in our own beds. Eating pork stew with rice..."

Larry is trying to make a point there somewhere about catching rest and being exhausted but now that he thinks about it, he actually feels a pang of longing in his chest. He really misses their friends and family in Paris. He misses just doing nothing for a change. Oddly enough, he even misses stupid things like the smell of their house and the taste of their bakery's freshly made baguette in the morning. He misses their mom's laughter and their sister's warm hugs and okay, yeah, maybe he's a bit exhausted himself because he sure as hell wouldn't be getting this sentimental over baguette if the past couple of weeks hadn't worn them both out this much.

"Soon," Laurent smiles at him and it's strange how he always ends up being the one who does the comforting between them, even if he's the one who's hurt.

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