The Happy Hotel

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You quickly learned that Hell never truly sleeps. Exhaustion crept in and settled making hiding an even harder task. The pain in your wings and foot slowed you down and you knew flying was dangerous too. The threat of ripping more flesh from the tears in your wings kept you planted on the ground. The only option at this point was to hide and keep on the move. Never staying in one place too long. You pulled your hood up and anxiously walked the streets of hell pocketing scraps of leftover food demons dropped or left behind.

Finally you came across a store that was completely abandoned. You stepped lightly around the shattered glass of the front door as you entered. Swiftly and silently you grabbed your sword having it ready in case there was still someone there. You made you way to the back of the counter and gasped putting your hand over your mouth to keep from throwing up. There laid three demon bodies, a mother and two very young demons. Quickly you turned to a nearby sink and threw up what little food you had left in your system.

Once you composed yourself you walked back to the three demons and kneeled down. *I'm so sorry. You were probably a bad person but I'm sure these children didn't deserve this.* You said sadly closing there eyes. You sat in the corner and furthest from any entrance and painstakingly kneeled on both knees in prayer. *Lord I'm not sure what you are trying to teach me by having me down here but I will try my hardest to obey tour commands. I offer everything to you so I beg, please watch over me and help see me through Hell. Amen*

You sighed more replenished now that you had talked to the lord and tried to get up. You wobbled putting all your weight on your good foot and grabbed the wall for support. In the process you scraped your wing on the counter and hissed biting your lip. Ignoring the pain you headed through the kitchen door in search of food and medical supplies. You started looking through the empty cupboards becoming discouraged. Seemingly everything was picked over. Not even crumbs left.

Suddenly you herd scrambling feet and a clink of metal falling on the floor. You whipped your head to the sound just in time as you flung your sword up, deflecting a knife that was just flung at your head. The demon cursed grasping for any available objects to hurl at you. Seeing his struggle you sighed and turned the other way not wanting to fight this clearly helpless demon. But to your horror he ran up behind you and stabbed a fork into your wing.

You squealed in pain as your face flickered to execution. With as much force as you could muster you swung your sword at him and split his torso in two. The poor demon didn't even know what happened as he fell lifeless on the cold floor. You sat down next to him and reached behind your wing pulling the fork out. Tears streamed down your cheek as you herd the crunch of glass and voices coming from the other side of the door. You scooted to the back door and pulled your cloak on again weaving through demons and trying not to be noticed.

You came to a stop by a few demons laughing at whatever was playing on the TVs at the Radio Hack shop. You looked up and saw a familiar face. The Princess of Hell was known not only to her people but to those in Heaven as well. Curious you glued your eyes to the screen to hear her pitch. *I thought it would serve a purpose, a place to work towards redemption. Yayyyy.* You reeled back a little a million thoughts running through your head. But one stuck out was redemption for a demon even possible? You were pulled from your thoughts as you noticed the princess start singing.

Shaking your head you knew this would only end in humiliation. A sudden familiar static invaded you ears as you perked up feeling it was time to get going. As the crowd was distracted you very carefully weaved your way between a few demons and started a new mission. There was no denying the streets of Hell were dangerous. But the Happy Hotel would be sheltered and be seemingly empty. You set your mind to it and started the long walk to the hotel.

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