Bianca: I've got exactly 5 days.
Bianca: I don't even know why I am spending them texting you
Bianca: I should be going outside and running around, living my dreams
Bianca: But I can't, because my mum has no money anymore, and dad has left now
Bianca: He complains that 'its too hard without his son'
Bianca: think he even knows he has another kid? I personally dont
Bianca: Espiccially since all I got was a fucking card saying how 'sorry he was' and that he 'still cares for me'
Bianca: Bull shit. If he cared, he would still be here
Bianca:I hate him
Bianca: Do you think he cared ever?Bianca: I doubt it
Bianca: Anyway, I have to go., im going to go to the zoo. Today is the zoo, because I want to see a hippo before
Bianca: I still love you, Calum. But I know you wont see this so
Bianca: Do you