4 | grandchild

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"Katsukiiiiiiiiii," you yelled from your position on the couch.

"What is it shitty woman?," he says lifting his head up from the pile of reports in front of him on the counter.

"I'm hungry!"

"Then go get something to eat!"

"But I already checked! There's nothing I want here!!"

"How?! I just went to the grocery!"

"Katsukiiiiii pleaseeeee!"

The sound of stomping feet let's you know that he's coming for you in the living room just as he storms in and huffs. "What the hell could you possibly want that we don't have here?!"

"I don't knowwwww, oh let's order curry!" Before he could deny you, you were already on the phone with the restaurant. "Hi there I need to two curry dinners! Babe how hot do you want yours?," you whispered to the fuming blonde.

"Extra hot dumbass. You should know this by now."

"Ok! Two extra hot curry dinners! Ok. Uh-huh. Alrightie! See you in 20!"

When you hung up the phone you saw Katsuki looking at you with that dumbfounded look again. "What are you gawking at?," you say crossing your arms over your chest.

"You do remember last time you tried my extra hot curry you cried."

"Yes and?"

"So now you think you can magically handle it."

"I want something spicy leave me alone!"

"Alright shitty women. Stay here I'll be back with dinner." 

Waiting for the food while Bakugou was gone was border line sufferable. The hunger you felt was impending and the only thing you could think about. The keys rattling in the door had you running to greet your husband before he even opened the door.

"Oi. Hey! Wait-," before Bakugou was able to take of his shoes, you already took the food out of his arms and ran back to your spot in the living room. "Fucking gremlin."

When Bakugou entered the living room, you were setting up all the food for the two of you. Popping the lids off the steaming food, you set two chopsticks down next to them. Bakugou sits down next to you and starts eating, waiting to see you freak out over the heat again. He watched as you picked up your first bite and blew a few times before shoving it in your mouth. He noticed the way you slowly chewed and furrowed your brows.

"Ha! I told you! Don't know why you tried to get extra hot dumbass," he said laughing at you. Without responding to him you got up and went into the kitchen. "Go run and get your water kitten!"

He waited a few minutes after hearing you rummaging through the cabinets before returning with Bakugou's bottle of Sriracha. Pulling the lid off, you start pouring it all over your curry. "Ew! What the hell are you doing?!," Bakugou yelled.

"It's not spicy enough!," you shout back. "Don't judge my cravings that YOUR kid is is causing!"

"Damn right that's my kid, no way in hell you'd eat that on your own."

Picking up your chopsticks you take another bite and sigh into the couch. "God this is perfect."

The two of you ate in silence peacefully before Bakugou spoke up. "So how far along are you now? 10 weeks?"

"Yup, Dr.Nozuno said my morning sickness should be letting up soon! Speaking of which, do you want to know the gender of the baby or should we be surprised?"

"I don't really care what the brat is, but if you want to know we can find out."

You gasp and grab his arm, "Let's do a gender reveal party Suki!"

"A party? Hell no."

"Suki we still have a few months till we can know the gender, so can you at least think about it," you say with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine shitty girl I'll think about it."



"Will you get me some pickles?"

"God damn it woman!"

The two of you haven't told anyone about the pregnancy yet because you all wanted to wait a bit, but you've been dying to tell everyone. After finally convincing Katsuki to let you tell his parents, you guys decide to tell them first. If he could have it his way, they probably wouldn't know until you give birth so they won't be constantly nagging him about the brat.

He held your small hand in his as you all walked through his snow concerned neighborhood. You saw your cheeks dusted pink and little puffs of air coming out of your mouth. Grumbling, Bakugou took his scarf off and threw it around your neck. "You need to dress warmer, you can't get sick or else you'll get the brat sick."

"I know Suki."

"If you did, you would've dressed for the weather shitty girl."

When the two of you reached the steps to his front door, you felt your stomach twist with anxiety. "Do you think they'll be happy?," you ask.

"You do realize we're married right dumbass, it was bound to happen eventually."

"I know, it just that we never really talked about it. I'm just nervous that's all."

He leans forward and kisses your forehead, "Don't be."

Bakugou opens the door and you follow behind him, kicking the snow off your boots.

"Katsuki? Ah my sweet daughter y/n!," Mitski yells pushing past her son and grabbing you.

"Hello? I'm your actual son?!," Bakugou yelled.

"Oh whatever! At least she's kind and respectful!"

"Oi! I am too!"

"Now now you two, you guys just walked through the door, why are we fighting already. Hi y/n it's very nice to see you," Masaru says coming out of the kitchen.

"Hello! It's very nice to see you guys too!," you reply.

"What are you guys doing here?," Mitski asks.

"Do I need a reason to come back to my house?," Bakugou adds.

You elbow him in his side giving him a glare. "We have something to tell you guys," he groans out.

"We're having a baby!," you shout holding up the sonogram pictures your doctor gave you.

"What?!?", Mitski yells.

"Congratulations! I didn't know you had it in you son!," Masaru says embracing the two of you.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean," Bakugou yells.

"I-I-I'm gonna be a grandma?! Oh my god I have to call so many people!," Mitski says crying.

"Wait! We haven't told anyone yet! We wanted you guys to be the first to know," you quickly speak up.

"Oh I see! Well Im very happy for the two of you! I'll go through some of my old maternity clothes for you! Oh and im sure I have some of Katsuki's old stuff. And books! I have lots of books on parenting!"

"Thank you mitski, but you don't have to worry about all that! Im still pretty early on!"

"I can't believe your carrying my grand baby!"

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