A normal walk?

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Panic attacks and blood.

Ranboo was out on his normal walking route, He had his headphones in and was listening to "when he died" - by Lemon demon.

He was taking a break from streaming today because he needed it and so did the mods, he needed more content ideas, especially for yt he hasn't uploaded for almost 4 months.

It was late fall so the leaves had all fallen to the ground and the skies were grey, it was later in the afternoon and light from the streetlights were reflecting into the puddles of water still on the ground from last night's rain, he liked it, the smell of the earth after a thunderstorm, it smelled fresh.

He received a message from a group chat, He got out his phone and checked it, it was Tubbo asking if anyone was up to stream later, nothing big just a chill talking stream.

He replied with: "yeah sure I'll join when I get home"

Tommy, Wilbur, and Phil were also agreeing to join.

He stopped under a street light to change his Spotify playlist, when he did he got an update from ranbify on Twitter.

After he was about to put his phone away, a small group of people came running up to him.

"Hey!" One person said "you're Ranboo right?"

"Yep" I replied to the stranger.

"Poggg! Can we get a picture with you?"

"Sure!" I responded

They came up to me and all got into positions. They aimed their phone upwards to fit everyone in screen. He smiled even though no one could see it, his eyes squinting and his smile wide.

Then out of nowhere he felt a hand grab his mask, and another grab his sunglasses.

He panicked and his smile dropped into shock, he trusted these people, these "fans" and they had betrayed him...

He felt them rip off his face coverings and in quick panicking instincts he moved both his hands in an attempt to quickly cover his face.

His face held worry and fear in it while the grins of these "fans" held a gruesome smile.

"What the hell?!" He yelled at them after they took the picture.

Their Villainous smiles turned into laughters they laughed at him.

He quickly reached for the phone to delete the photo, but they kept handing to each other.

Every time they handed it to a different person they attempted to take a picture in which Ranboo tried his best to cover his face

Most of them would be blurry, it was the best he could do.

He quickly pulled up his hood and attempted to cover his face and began to sprint to his car, he could hear his heartbeat getting louder and the laughs of the people chasing him attempting to take more pictures.

A couple tears began to slip down his face towards his chin.

" those photos were going to be everywhere..." he thought to himself.

His heartbeat got louder and faster, along with a loud ringing in his ears, the sounds of the people taking the photos had faded all he could hear was ringing, his heartbeat, and his breathing.

A few tears fell from his face and onto the already wet cement.

He slipped into one puddle and fell, the sounds of the people got closer, he stood there his hood covering his head, on all fours in the puddle he watched a few more tears fall.

The people got closer and began pushing and teasing him to show his face, he could tell they were recording now, but he didn't move, he just sat there in shock.

After 20 minutes he looked up and saw he was not far from home.

He looked up and pulled his hood around his face, as soon as one of them moved out of they way he sprinted upwards towards his house, they attempt to follow him but his long legs come in handy an he outsprints them.

He gets inside and closes the door, he goes into the bathroom and sitting by the sink, his breath hitching and his nails digging into his arms, tears falling down his face.

He was getting twitter notifications and he knew what they were about...

"Damnnit..." he wispered to himself.

He was getting messages from his friends too but he ignored them all.

The preasure from his nails digging into his skin cut though, and small amounts of blood dribbled down his flesh and onto the tile floor.

*hi thank youfor reading this i highly doubt this will blow up but uhem i hope you enjoeyed the first chapter, im probably going to upload more tomorrow because im going on a toadtrip and iwill have time in the car, anyways i hope you enjoyed, pls take care of yourself and have a good day :) *

"Faces" - cc!Ranboo agnstWhere stories live. Discover now