Chapter 3: The Interview

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A/N: AHH OH MY GOD YOU GUYS SKJADHFG. Thank you so much for the support, ya'll make me so happy :) . This story is getting even more noticed, and I thank you all for checking it out. 

"Hello? Yes, this is Y/n. Yes, I can come tomorrow, does 3pm work? Perfect! Thank you so much, I'll see you then. Goodbye."

Excitedly you start running to Mike's room. "Mike! Mike! They want to interview me tomorrow! I might get the job!" Mike, in the middle of a game pauses it and walks towards you. "Wow y/n, I'm so happy for you." He gives a soft smile and embraces you in a warm hug. However, you feel something is off.

"Is something wrong? I understand you don't feel fully comfortable with me possibly working but still I-" He cuts you off hugging you tighter. "Sometimes I wish you weren't so determined, but I get where you're coming. At the end of the day, I'm not your dad. It wouldn't' be right for me to stop you, especially with all that's been going on at home. But I'm not saying that doesn't give an excuse for your safety. Just promise me you'll be careful and keep me updated when you can. If you do get the job, let me know. Hopefully my tips from working there might come in handy."

"Hey, you bet I'll keep you updated when I can, and why would I not listen to some good advice my big brother has to tell me." He chuckles at your response and so do you. "Here, if things haven't changed, I have a fair idea what they'll ask at the interview."




The following day, you were very nervous. You were never a fan of interviews and exams, goes back to your fear of stage fright. But Mike had told you helpful tips to pass this interview.

'C'mon y/n, you've been through multiple interviews before. This is a walk in the park.'

You enter the glass doors of the pizzaplex, multiple kids are screaming around as parents tiredly follow or attempt to shut them up.

'Heh, another reason I'm not going to have kids. I bet this is how Mike views me.'

Heading to the front desk, the worker takes you to a room you presume where the interview will take place. There are posters of the animatronics and kids fan art all around the wall. In the center is a fazbear decorated table and 2 seats filled with confetti. You awkwardly pull up a chair and sit down, and if right on queue a man in his mid 30's enters the room holding a clipboard and sits down on the other chair.

"Hello, Ms. l/n. My name is Mr. Lee and I'm the manager of this establishment. I will be interviewing you today. And please, call me Marco."

Trying not to look into his eyes, you attempt to not stutter. "H-hello Mr. Lee, I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to interview me."

"It's no problem, we need all the help we can get. What a nice and polite girl." He smiles and looks at his clipboard before continuing. "So, what makes you want to work here first of all?"

"Rough situation at home so I'm at a desperate need for a job to be honest. And I know I'm not bad at working with kids so it kind of worked out. Actually, it was a friend of mine who suggested me this job, but doe-"

'Dude don't tell him Mike doesn't want you working here' you internally scream.

"He doesn't think I'd do a good job, another reason I applied is to show my brother figure I'm more capable than he thinks. And I know from experience, I worked in daycares in the past." Finishing with a soft smile. Marco nods and writes something down on the clipboard.

"I see Ms. L/n. I'm sorry to hear about the situation at home. You seem capable enough to work here, you actually managed to answer another question I was about to ask. I do have one question though."

"Ask away." "Has this friend of yours worked here in the past?"

You begin to panic. Will he not hire me because of Mike?

"U-h yes, his name is Mike. Mike Schmidt."

You look up at Marco, he seems a bit shocked. Damn you y/n you had a feeling this would happen, why would you mention his-

"That's a name I haven't heard in a long time, how is he doing?" He says, giving a sad smile. "He's doing pretty well. He ironically works as a security guard at a hotel. Doing well for himself. Practically takes care of me nowadays."

"That's good to hear, tell him when you can I said hello. Bring him here too if he's comfortable. Anyways, you fit well to the fazbear family. There is a space ironically as a security guard. You'll be paid $14 an hour because you're underaged, but once you turn 18, we can bump it up if you keep up the good work."

'Holy heck, $14 an hour? That doesn't seem that bad. I'm actually kind of excited. But remember what Mikey said, I have to be careful.'

"Yes, I'll take the job. Thank you so much Mr. Lee!"

After a quick handshake, you were led out of the room and left the building excited for your first shift tomorrow. Though Mike would be uncomfortable, you couldn't wait!

You were busy thinking to yourself you failed to notice the pair of eyes following you as you left the building.




"Hey Mikey, guess what! I got the job!"


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