Ya its easter

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Finally the day everyone has been waiting for. The day that we get to have an excellent excuse for being fat. the day we get to stuff our mouths full of food and watch movies if Jesus. Today is the day that we hang with family (not really friends) and friends.

As I woke up this morning I realized that it was Easter and we went down stairs to eat pancakes for breakfast. then I went to church and hung out with Bobby J All day and before I knew it church was over. Today I was hoping I wasn't alone in church but sadly I was. After church we came home and started peeping for all 16 guests.

When they all arrive it was very crowded like I had the excuse I need to go get something to get away from the mob walking through my door. after that we are all going Easter egg hunting. I'm hoping that I get the ones with the most money cause that's all I really care about. After that we are having a minuet to win it contest. I already know that I'm not winning.

Thanks for reading I will keep updating my story happy Easter

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