Today sucked

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So today started totally different. It started when I was texting Dylan and as we talked I realized he was currently in a music. As it went on my best friend Michael hasn't shown up. I have him a text and it turns out he wasn't coming to school. (How to know when your life sucks). The day from there is normal until P.E. We were all playing volleyball. that's about it in P.E. sorry for wasting your time. In history we all start studying for are quiz tomorrow when Ashton says,"hey Trent I told her" I was confused for a second. then after that we had lunch. during chapel the we did an ask anything and I swear tim could have pulled out the worst cards. Like one of them was a how do you make babies card like who would that in church. But after that the rest of our day was abnormal especially math it was like a second chapel it was crazy. different crazy different as I was stuck in extended care I was so bored until I got to go to five flipping guys doing kart wheels well driving an SUV. jk just went to five guys.

Thanks for reading. I got some of my info from middle school by Ashton so ya thanks Ashton.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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