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Hey guys are u all.....i hope u all are really well safe ...and here it is....the second part of REVENGE....which u all were asking to me from long.....i hope u guys will love this part too like the first u go.....

Finally they landed in London...sid was still sleeping as he had his medicine and also his jetlag worked well. He was not ready to leave Abhi for a second also...he was so scared of everything. Even he was about hit a lady who works as a airhostess in their jet. Luckily Abhi stopped him and saved that girl.

Ash: Abhi don't wake him...just get him out to the car...let him sleep.

Abhi: ok bhai....he said and lifted sid in his arms.....he was still sleeping.

After reaching the mansion Abhi was about to lift him again but he stirred in sleep and woke up.

Sid: dada....he whispered.

Abhi: come ashu....let's go to room and u can sleep after getting freshen up...

Sid: hmm...he said and came out of the car. He was clutching Abhis shirt all the time.

When they entered inside the living hall the maids came to them for helping with the bags. But sid got scared of those ladies and hugged Abhi tightly and started crying mumbling 'No no...please don't....'.

Abhi and ashmit got shocked on his this behaviour and also got so worried.

Abhi: sid it's ok....see it's just our maid....ur favourite Kavitha aunty....see...

Sid : no...please don't....he said crying more hiding his face in Abhi's chest.

Kavitha who was the maid working in their mansion nearly for 15 means she was the one who took care sid from his 3 years of age...but now he was scared of her too...her eyes were filled with tears seeing her son like figure is scared of her.

Ash: sid....baccha's ok...don't be scared....but he was not ready to look up and see her.

Kav: sir...don't bother's ok...he needs rest....

Ash: hmm yes....abhi take him to his room and make him eat something before he sleeps again...

Abhi: ok bhai....he said took sid to his room.

He made him to sit on the bed. He knelt down before him taking his hands in his. He caressed his knuckles with his thumb.

Abhi: Ashu....look at me...look at dada....

Sid slowly looked at his face with tears in his eyes. Abhi wiped his tears and cupped his face.

Abhi: sid....u know right....dada is always with u....

Sid just nodded...

Abhi: so don't be scared ok...nothing is going to happen to and bhai will never let anything happen to u ok...

Sid: hmm...

Abhi: don't cry bacha...please....

Sid: ok...

Abhi felt weird that the non stop chatter box is just saying one word answers. He felt bad that even there is no need to speak sid will speak a half page dialogues but now he was hmming and saying ok....

Abhi was really upset with this...he wants his brother back...he was so much angry on that Viddharth Khanna...he was feeling bad as he couldnt kill him by his hands. Still they don't know about Avneet trying to harras him sexually. What will he do if he comes to know about it.....

Abhi helped sid to get fresh and changed him to comfy clothes. He made him to lay on bed and went to get fresh.

Sid was lying on the bed when heard footsteps outside the room he got scared and looked at the washroom door. He was still inside and the sound of shower said he will not come now. Sid was scared so much and he was looking at the door only...he heard the door lock opening sound and he ran to the corner of the room and sat hugging his knees crying.

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