Melody for a Lost Soul

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Empty hallways. That’s all I ever see in this godforsaken prison of a school, but what can you expect from a place that thrives on social activity and a constant network of relations, after all everyone here is sure to inherit their family’s wealth at some point and want to carry that name. I see no reason for me to indulge in such matters; I came here with the purpose of avoiding any and all people. As the towering windows rose from the floor to the ceiling 10 feet above, a flock of pigeons flew by to the laughter and cheer in the courtyard of girls swooning as the barely mature men all scramble to kick around a ball. Pathetic.


With a look of thorough distaste and a scowling face, the young girl moved on from the sight at the window which she was gazing at. Little to her knowledge, someone else was also admiring the beauty, but not the pigeons or the various ladies dressed in dashing dresses. No, their eyes were fixated solely on the single girl that just crossed their path, dressed in full male clothing, with a haircut that yelled rebellion with its vibrant mix of pink and blue. Descending from their hiding place, the young person followed the girl silently, out of intrigue before stopping in front of what seemed to be a strange abandoned room at the very end of the hallway. No one ever comes to the end as there is no need, so why would this girl come here. Before a moment’s thought was given to them, the person suddenly heard the faint plinking of piano keys as a sweet melody emanated from the keyhole of the door.


This is the one thing that calms me, only this sweet sound can make my voice erupt and my soul feel so alive.

A breeze in the mountain air

I wish to feel its movement

And sweep me away if you dare

And let me die in that moment

When my eyes meet the stars

Send my soul to sleep again

With a swift motion of ours

Stay even through the pain

The keys die as soon as they are born. No matter how much I wish for this moment to stay with me and for me to finally be free from myself, the chains can only be taken off for so long.


A creak at the door unites them, as a pale and slightly sickly looking figure slips through the doorway. Skin as pale as ice with hair shining like the starry sky, overflowing with life even in the desolated storage room, with only a single lone piano and a bed, eyes a dark blue with shimmering sparkles hidden deep in the chasm of the all-knowing, but the most striking thing about this figures appearance, was the expression upon its face. It wasn’t one of fear or knowing, it was almost apathetic. Void of any and all emotion as if a creature of the night which has seen and heard everything there is.

“Well this is a surprise; I don’t normally get visitors here. I must’ve forgotten to lock the door.” The girl aggressively leered as she forced her voice to escape her throat without the accompaniment of music by its side.

“It was sealed pretty well actually, took me a while to pick the damn thing. I noticed you walking down the hallway earlier and I couldn’t help myself to ask your name.” The pale figures voice seemed hoarse as a loud cough followed its speaking. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have intruded. I only have a few days left to live now, so I wanted to at least know your name after supressing my feelings for so long.”

“What do you… I… I am not special. What are you saying? Why do you only have a few days to live? What…” it is then that she realized the passion in her voice, the soul that had come out with her speech without the support of her musical partner. This person was her breeze that lifted her up. She caught herself in the midst of tears as the water droplets made the figures hair become speckled with tiny shimmers. Like stars in the blackest night. A smile crossed the small figures face as they walked into the room fully, revealing themselves to be considerably tall.

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