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Toga POV

I woke up earlier than usual before anything else I kissed Izuku on the lips and got out of bed with out Izuku noticing. Since he was the one to ask me out I'll be the one to plan our first date! I wondered around the living thinking of what I should do and I came up with the idea of a picnic near where we first met. Next we would go to the beach and swim and hangout there for a few hours. After that there's this new cafe the opened not to far from our house. Last but not least we would cuddle up and watch a movie. It was perfect! But first breakfast would be good. I made pancakes! Izuku's favorite breakfast dish.

"Wake up ... wake up" I shook him harder the second time. "hmm .. what I-is it hime" he yawned. 'So cuuute' I smile at the thought. "Get up I made you breakfast" "what'd you make" "I made your favorite~" I said playfully but then he shot up. "Don't eat to fast, I'll be in the shower okay." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left to the kitchen. As I stepped in the shower and the warm water landed on my hair and then down my back and chest I began to think how lucky I am. How lucky I am to have Izuku his mom Kat. They've all helped me so much.

After I soaped up and washed off I stepped out and dried off I brushed my teeth. When I got back Izuku must have just finished cause he just got back from the kitchen presumably putting his dish in the sink. When he walked up to me he gave me another kiss but this one in the lips. I tasted the syrup from the pancakes, it had a sweet and warm feeling. "Thanks for the food hime" I smiled "no problem" all of a sudden I heard inko clear her throat. "AHEM! Since when we're you too a thing" "u-um yesterday" Izuku and I said at the same time. She walked up to us which kinda intimidated me a bit but surprised me when she lead with hug. "It's about damn time" I was confused. "Huh what do you mean" I asked. "Well it was so clear that you guys liked each other." She paused "I could even tell Izuku liked you not long after you moved in himeko" now I was really surprised I thought I liked Izuku first. "Come on mom" Izuku shouted. Inko got off me. "What I can't help it she's my daughter in law" this time both of us was embarrassed. "Oh yeah Izuku I want to take you somewhere today" I said gaining his attention. "And where's that" "it's a surprise~ just know that this will count as our first date" "oh ok do I need anything" "maybe your bathing suit but I'll bring everything else we're not leaving for a while so you can go ahead and rest." "Ok then let me know if you need help" he walked to his room "anything I can help with himeko" miss inko asked me. "Some food can you help me make the food" "with pleasure" she stated with a thousand watt smile

It was around 1:27 pm and it was time for the picnic "Izuku come on let's go I'm ready" he came out the room with a black tank top and white sweat shorts. "You got your bathing suit" I asked. "Yup! I can't wait" he turned to me to show he had a drawstring backpack on with his bathing suit inside. "Alright come on" we made our way to the park and sat down in the shade under a tree. I laid down the blanket and took out the food. While we ate we were having a good time talking and laughing with each other. After we finished eating we changed into our swim suits. He just wore black trunks. 'Lame' I thought. I wanted to surprise so I wore a little more out there.

Art not mine

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Art not mine

I walk out the bathroom to see him waiting. He was on his phone when I tapped his shoulder. "How do I look" I asked as he paused for a moment. "Y-you look stunning" I blushed. "Thank you let's go now" we walked to the beach chatting along the way. When we got there he helped me lay the stuff down. We finished and I ran to the water with Izuku following close behind. But before I got fully submerged I felt the water. "Ahh!! It's so cold" I quickly got out. "Come on hime it's not that bad." Izuku said trying to get me in. "No! It was terrible I felt like my toes were going to fall off!" I shouted back. He came out the water and next to me. "How bout this" he hugged me tight he was cold at first but then I felt his warmth. "We can keep each other warm like this!" "Ok let's go" we then headed to the water where we held close together. While we were in the water we were doing what we do all the time and that is enjoy each other's company. We were there for a couple hours not all in the water of course we built a giant sandcastle we played beach volleyball I got to bury Izuku and make and drew around him

 We were there for a couple hours not all in the water of course we built a giant sandcastle we played beach volleyball I got to bury Izuku and make and drew around him

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Imagine that's Izuku (favorite anime)

"What did you draw" he said. "Nothing special" I took a picture on my phone. "Now let's get you out of there" I took him out of the sand.

After we were done at the beach it was around dinner time. 'Jeez we were there for a while' "it's 6:17 already!" "That's what happens when your having fun now I have one last place to take you" "okay then I hope it has food cause I am staaarving."

We arrive to the cafe it's name is Café Stile when we walk in a small yellow in pink frilly uniform comes up to us. "Hello I am your server for today please follow me" we follow her to a table by the window. "I'll be right back to take your drink orders" she then left to the back. "This is that new cafe everyone was talking about" Izuku said as he sat down "yup!!" "Do you know what your going to drink" he asked me. "Well is just gonna get iced tea" "I think I'll get the same thing but raspberry" While we talked a bit then she came back, "ok I'm ready" the waitress came up to us. "We'll take to iced teas one raspberry" "coming right up, do you guys no what you want to eat." I spoke up "I'll take an American hamburger with a side of fries" and "I'll take a chicken Caesar salad" "coming right up" she said. While waiting for our food we talked a lot more and even when our food came we were still chatty. We paid for our food and gave her a 20% tip. When we got home we we're both tired and I decided to skip the movie a go straight to bed.

We both took showers (separately) and got in bed. "Thank you for today hime it was the third best day of my life" Izuku spoke as I snuggled in his chest "well what the second?" I asked "the day we got together" "and the first...?" I wondered. "Well I got to save that for when we're married" I blushed and snuggled deeper in his chest. "Oh Izuku that was so cringy" I chuckled which he did the same. "But I meant every single word. But we should get some sleep" he kissed my forehead "goodnight hime I love you" "love you too Izuku"

There done the reason why this one took so long is because I was working on my other story if you want to check it out go ahead


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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