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Hello, this is your author here!!

I would like to thank you all for reading this book, it really meant so much to me.

Please don't be shy to comment, I would really love to see them and if you enjoyed the book please do vote for it!

This was a really short book between the thoughts of two people, and I hope you guys enjoyed the journey as much as I did.

And guess what? I am actually writing this from the past.

LOL just wanna make that dramatic, this book is just in the drafts for a long time so yeah.

But still, I hope you all have a nice day ahead and have a great year too!

And who knows if this and my other books would be famous one day? Sksksksksks

^ nah cause if they are and I don't have wattpad anymore I'm gonna cry LMAO

Goodbye guys!

-30th December 2021

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