Nerf Guns!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!

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Alr so today I was at this store, and basically its a resale shop but specifically for collections of things.  I love nerf/ foam blaster toys and to my surprise they actually had some (like a lot). While some of them are older blaster and dont give very good preformance I love owning them now a lot.

I got a pretty good haul which goes as follows:


N-strike Reflex IX-1 (the one in the tumbnail)

N-strike Barricade rv-10 

N-strike Clear series Deploy cs-6 (with included 6 round magazine)

Nerf Alien Menace Ravager


Nerf Modulus Barrel Extension

Nerf Modulus Barrel Extenstion (with inverted bottem rail, meaning you can legit put another blaster on it lol)

Nerf Modulus Suppressor thingy

Nerf Modulus Grip Blast

Nerf Raider Stock

Nerf Demolisher Stock

DARTS/PROJECTILES (some of these I didn't have and I am very fortunate to have them now):

4 Nerf elite darts (same as modulus darts but blue)

4 Nerf modulus darts (same as elite darts but white)

2 Nerf N-strike Whistler darts (came with most N-strike Blasters like the Barricade and Vulcan)

2 Nerf vortex discs (fires out of vortex blasters)

1 Nerf N-strike streamline dart (exact same dart as the elite and modulus darts but light orange. This dart came with blasters like the raider and deploy)

1 Random brand I don't know dart (Its gray and says "accurate" on the side)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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