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A/N ( sorry this may be a little weird having something with a robot and there may be some errors with some grammar. but please enjoy 😞and I take requests from you guys readers!)

as you soon see a application for a job at some mall of animatronics. 'Sure why not try it out' you thought. you did some kind of survey about learning to know what to do in any sort of situation I guess. After I finish trying to get the job. I went changed and planned on what I was gonna do tomorrow if I didn't get the job. But you had a gut feeling having a tie not in your stomach about how nervous you would get the job or wouldn't. you then got your phone again scrolling through your socials then putting your phone to charge on the night table. It was sad not having anyone to talk to but anyways I was just thinking about getting the job and saying 'what if's' in your mind as you soon turn off the lights and closed your eyes then fell asleep

[ the next day!!! ]

You received a message from your phone since it vibrate and rang. You soon got up and looked at your phone. "welcome to the team! as you will be going to the mall to start your new job in the daycare see ya there!" You look at the time was 9:32 . You soon jump up from your bed and started getting to the shower which took like an hour. Oops, then changed and put some normal clothes. Quickly went to your car and drove all the way there it took 20 minutes to go to the mall. As you park somewhere in front of the mall and you were shocked about how huge it was. As you stepped in and loud noises were everywhere crying kids, laughter, screaming, chasing each other, and getting tickets, you stood up straight and looked around then someone said "are you y/n the new guard?" I turn around facing the person who called me "yea that's me!" I replied " well I'm Vanessa I'll show you a bit around the place since you might get lost." As she showed me around the place and we got to the daycare since I was working there "so here is the daycare and there will be your co-worker with the kids and in control of the kids you don't really have to worry about" Vanessa saying touring me around. As we walked down some stairs to some big doors then we walked over to the desk. There was a bunch of kids playing around with some animatronic it was a sun sort of. "Y/n! Pay attention at least!" "S sorry. I was just looking at the animatronic who is he?" I asked to Vanessa as she replied with "ohh sorry he's sundrop! People usually call him sun or sunny." I just nodded with "oh okay" "here is the schedule of the daycare attendance then let them play for a couple of hours and then it's nap time for the kids... and that's all!" Vanessa said "if you need me I'll be with Freddy checking up on him" "oh y-yea of course bye." I replied and waved as goodbye then she started walking back to where Freddy's room was I look over the schedule and realized it was nap time "everyone it's nap time! We can all continue this tomorrow!" As I told every kid as they sighed and said aww as soon they all went to sleep on the floor showing everyone their mat they sleep on.


Sundrop/moondrop x fem reader!  A daycare security guardWhere stories live. Discover now