sundrop is my name!

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As everyone went to sleep I went over to turn of the lights but Sundrop told me "what are you doing! Don't turn off the lights" "but it will help the kids sleep" I question him then turn of the lights then hear sundrop saying "NO NO!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT I WARNED YOU LIGHTS ON!" but then I saw a moon animatronic crap. What did I do? But I was doing it for the kids.. I didn't know why didn't Vanessa tell m- "naughty girl naughty girl" I ran away quickly as possible as I turn to see the kids were still sleeping in their mats not knowing what is going on but I notice some generators for the light I think "bad children must be found~" moon said in a smoothing voice but also raspy and deep.. but while you turn on some generators as the lights went on "Yes!" I try to find moon but it's now sun he ran up to me saying "I-I'm sorry did he do anything?! If he did I'm sorry. I-" I interrupted him "haha its fine! He didn't do anything and i haven't introduced myself to you!" I soon poked his nose on my tippy toes since he was pretty tall. He laughed "I'm sundrop and you are?" He asked "I'm y/n I'm the new guard and I'll be working here for day and night but I'll be leaving now. Since my shift is almost over.." he sighed and looked pretty sad. With a frown "wake up everyone! Sundrop is gonna play with you guys for now" I said while waking up the kids as the kids cheer and some where barely waking up and signing out then I left the building went in my car driving home.

Some time went passed

I put alarm before I took a nap so I wouldn't be late. As your alarm rang and you get up and quickly shower and then put your clothes on then made your hair and (what ever you needed to do) then went in your car to drive to your job. After awhile you arrive at your job. Then you go inside checking in then going in the daycare. But instead you went in the slide. Sliding down you notice some kids in the ball pit and calling you out saying "who are you?!" Some kid said and another also saying "It's a security guard!" "No she's a partner of sunny!" "Oooo" as I heard some kids talking making me blush a little as sundrop came walking in the conversation saying "hey you guys! Do you want to play hide and seek with y/n?" and the little kids look at me and waiting for an answer and I nod as sure. And they all cheer "YEA!" "I WANNA PLAY!" "Who is gonna be seeker?" I said when everyone looked at me then as sundrop said "i will! And you little boy can help me out!" Holding up the little boy while both of them smile at each other "alright everyone hid I'll count to 10!" As everyone started running and laughing as I try to find a hiding spot. "1"you climb in a structure and then try to find the best hiding spot. "2"
You go all the way in the top and you hide in somewhere far up ."3" As you soon hide somewhere good and could see kids hiding
You started to panic but got a idea
then sort of slide down but
"6" stayed in the middle holding your spot trying not to slide down. soon enough it was time
"7" .. "8".."9"... "10! Here we come!" As they said searching the place and found everyone. Sundrop couldn't find me so I slide down since my hands were sweaty and with blisters. "wow good job y/n! I couldn't find you!" He said looking up and down at the slide. "I see that Im gonna do that next round" I chuckled and he replied "thanks I'll know next time" sundrop said while winking at you. As you blushed a bit with the wink and you soon looked at the time it was pick up time as every kid was getting picked up but you saw some kid crying in the corner I walked over to him saying "what's wrong ? Where are your parents?" "That's the problem I can't find them!" He cried. I hold his hand pulling to get up then replied

"I'll find your parents cmon!"

760 words :3 hope u enjoy!

Sundrop/moondrop x fem reader!  A daycare security guardWhere stories live. Discover now