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Third Person Omniscient Point Of View

// edited

"I'm so sorry Ally." The blonde said.

Ally nodded and continued walking as if nothing happened. She decided not to make a comment on it for A, she wanted to avoid Austin as much as possible and B, she couldn't risk her chances of getting late into class.

She had just made it in time in World History class without anyone noticing her presence, as usual.

Ally always wanted it to be kept that way.

Truth is, people do notice her. Like, who wouldn't pay attention to such a beautiful girl?

They just ignore her, not wanting to cause trouble. They don't know what her boundaries and limits are, and they don't dare to find out.

Because it has always been that way.



School has just ended and Ally is packing her things quietly at the corner.

She silently thanked that today was a Friday.

She knew that starting the moment she reaches home until Sunday, she could be alone and free in her imagination land. The place where she's openly accepted for who she is. A place where no one can make fun of her flaws and insecurities because it's her world.

But remembering that today was the last weekday of April as well made her realize that it was the weekend where Uncle Jeff pays a visit and sleeps over at the house.

Uncle Jeff is Ally's father, Lester's younger brother.

In Lester's will, it was indicated that when he dies and Ally is still not a legal adult yet, he will be the one to take care of her, but since Ally's parents are in some crisis in another country while said to be held in hostage, the government allowed it and before you knew it, Uncle Jeff was Ally's legal guardian.

Ally sighed, knowing that she had to stealthily surpass the passer-bys again. Although it was something she did on a daily basis, it could be very tiring at times.


The moment Ally reached home, she immediately collapsed into the couch, but was lured and welcomed to the kitchen with the aroma of a fresh jar of pickles.

She flashed a devious smile, immediately knowing that Uncle Jeff was here.

And with just that, old Ally was starting to come back.

She prepared herself as she quietly tiptoed to the kitchen, wanting to scare Uncle Jeff, but was astonished when she all of a sudden heard the banging and clashing of pans and kitchenware.

She clawed her heart, trying to stop it's continuous, fast-paced beating, worried and filled with fear, hoping that Uncle Jeff was okay.

As she barged into the kitchen with her hands covering her face, she heard Uncle Jeff's laughter filling the room.

She then rolled her eyes at the 53 year old grown man.

"Gosh Popeye, you almost gave me a heart attack." Ally exaggerated, placing her hand over her heart.

"You're just not good at this game, Allycat." Uncle Jeff beamed at the defeated 17 year old.

You see, she and her Uncle Jeff have this little inside joke where she calls him Popeye because he's always bugging her to eat healthy and he calls her Allycat because there was a time in her life where she was very fond of cats, basically.

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