He's my celebrity crush

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We recently sat down with actress and rising star Sage Hughes to get to know her a little better and discuss a few of her favourite things.

Hi everyone I am Sage Hughes best known for playing Alice Bell in Alice in Zombieland aswell as starring in an exciting upcoming new project very soon and these are the answers to some of my favourite things.

Favourite colour
Lilac or Lavender I just love anything pastel and I find Lilac can be so elegant and sophisticated but also young and playful which I really like I am also obsessed with both as flowers my house is always filled with both.

Favourite place
I grew up in New Orleans having been born in Boston go Patriots my dad is the biggest Tom Brady fan you will ever meet. I have a deep love for both places because my family live in both and we lived in Boston til I was six but my all time favourite place has to be Bali. I went there two years ago on vacation and I fell in love it's so beautiful there definitely recommend.

Favourite food
Anything my mom or grandma makes they are incredible cooks who've taught me every recipe I know we have this family tradition that whenever someone moves away from home which is my mom gives us a recipe book which we then pass down to our children my great great grandmother started it and its just been something we've carried on. It's one of many Hughes/Matthews family traditions.

Favourite quote
That's a tough one. I tend to live a very quite reserved life I'm not big into partying or anything I'd much rather host friends or watch movies or read a good book. Some people find me quite whimsical when they meet me which is the opposite of Alice and I have quite a optimistic outlook on life. So I'd have to say this particular quote sums me up which is by the author Daniel Mercury who writes some really beautiful stuff "She might be down to earth and rooted in reality by her responsibilities, but her soul is a wild one: always set on finding magic in sunsets and sunrises that others take for granted" is the quote I'd much rather pick up the piece of food that is a little bruised on the outside but is still so full of flavour than the perfect piece that lacks that same delicious taste. I'm a little weird I'm aware.

Favourite thing you own
Has to be my dog which I've had for four years now we always had pets in our house growing up and I knew I wanted one when I moved out and I was in college and then a building that didn't allow pets so when I finally moved into my house I got Odin who's a rescue dog and he comes everywhere he possibly can with me.

Favourite movie
Again a tough one I grew up watching alot of old school movies like Casablanca, It Happened One Night, My Girl Friday and I love a classic horror I love pretty much every genre of movie but my all time favourite has to be Good Will Hunting Robin Williams is just an incredible actor and I love him so much.

Favourite actor
I have a lot of favourite actors and if I admitted every single one I would probably pass out if I ever got the opportunity to work with one of them but your getting a two for one here because I'm also admitting my celebrity crush to anyone that sees this but I'm a huge Stan Lee fan and I've been obsessed with spiderman for as long as I can remember and I have to say I fell hard when I saw Andrew Garfield play Spiderman I know there's been some criticism but he's a really talented actor and not too bad looking either.

So there you have it an insight into Sage Hughes and what and who she likes. We can't wait to hear more about this upcoming project and seeing more of her on our screens.

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