Chapter Seven

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In the interim, Charles, the seer and godfather to his teaming followers, lived a life of total pleasure to drown the pain he felt in the past he couldn't stop from haunting him. He spared himself nothing to make his joy complete, and that was to take from the rich and share with the poor. One of the objects that gave him joy crossed his line of vision.

Shade with her full bosom and heavy backside, carved like the sex goddess had been sent by his chief recruiter, statesman William to make his afternoons more beautiful. When she first came to him, he had sensed something subtly sinister about her but the all-around sexiness she always exuded had clouded his reasoning. Shade had such expertise in pleasuring a man.

She had handled him with such experience, and his mind had blown away at the pleasures he got from her body. He hadn't had such mind-blowing sex before and it had hooked him to her as an addict got hooked on drugs. When his boys had succeeded after their last robbery operation, he had been so excited and had told her of their success. He knew he shouldn't have done that but he was beginning to fall in love with her.

He also considered himself lucky to have found Veronica his wife. She completed him intellectually and nobody would have ever suspected that their marriage had never been sexually consummated. She did not have feelings for a man, and according to her, she was a lesbian and had told him so from the word go. He understood what she wanted from him and he used her for what she could also offer him, they had a great arrangement or so it seemed.

They made a great couple and nobody would have believed it if it had ever gotten into the news that they had never had sexual relations even as a well-known couple. She worked with his chief recruiter, Williams to supply him with the girls he craved. She also gave him the connections he needed to get to the right people at the top, he in turn had given her the marriage society deemed was necessary for her life before she could be seen as a responsible woman.

Initially, she had kicked against the marriage institution and every attempt to matchmake her with eligible young men had met her total objection but her father who was a revered member of the society wouldn't hear of it. He had threatened to disown her and since she was his only child, she knew she needed to give in to his demands at that point rather than lose all there was to gain from her relationship with him.

She had been initiated into lesbianism when she was a vulnerable young girl in a boarding school and she couldn't imagine leaving that addictive lifestyle for any man. It took her a while to meet someone like Charles who could accept her for who she was and his good heart towards her had proven to her that there were indeed good men in the world. Her life had been greatly altered by the girls in the dormitory she was assigned to, she never fully recovered from their influence.

She was the one that particularly went through the list of the recruited girls to select whosoever caught her fancy for her own pleasure and she would select girls that matched her husband's taste separately. Charles would make his final selection on who to employ and who to send away without the girls knowing what they were employed to do.

It was their joint conclusion to always employ a girl that had something to lose if their shared secrets ever got out. They took adequate care of all the girls employed and went out with some of them on any of their overseas trips. The girls were always beautiful ladies who loved the life of riches, glamour and exposure they had to offer them. In a society that was gradually leaving behind conscience, contentment, and good manners, every other thing was acceptable.

Some of the girls were employed to occupy various positions in the church so as not to arouse suspicions, while others worked as cooks, secretaries, special assistants, and protocol officers to mention but a few job roles. They came in all sizes, shapes, and colors and they were always the topic of envy among their peers who see them as the very lucky few. All costs to make them look their best were borne by Charles.

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