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Shade had always looked for the perfect opportunity to punish Richard for all he had done to her those many years ago and never in a thousand years would she have imagined it would come in the simplest of ways. Meeting him that night at the general cults' party had given her that lifetime opportunity.

She had been assigned to the notable seer, the godfather Charles's harem but that had afforded her the massive comeback she would never have suspected was possible. She had leaked the information anonymously to the relevant authorities. No one had been any the wiser as she had continuously used her body to work on the seer till he became totally incapable of seeing anything when it had to do with her.

When the details leaked out, the rumors had been that the notes were marked but that was a ploy to take the scent off her. Richard had been assigned that job and despite her oath of allegiance to a course that had come to bring her utmost joy, she had done the unimaginable. She had at first felt it would boomerang right in her face but these many years had proven her the master game-planner. 

That intelligence had earned her a huge sum of money as the senator had only been too pleased to handsomely reward her for coming to his aid. She wished Richard had been the only one jailed but as it stood, there was very little she could have done to save his unfortunate accomplice serving that jail term with him. She wasn't after Dave, she was only after Richard and it was unfortunate he had been implicated in that robbery too.

The senator had been more than happy to let her have more than she bargained for, she had been generously remunerated. Working as a double agent had been at first difficult, the senator was still slighted by the seer's effrontery to steal from him when they hadn't had previous issues except for that money he was asked to donate. He felt he was right for refusing the seer's request, the man's greed had been exposed after all.

The seer had been his personal counselor and spiritual guide on all matters that seemed too difficult for him to handle but finding him embroiled in this mess opened his eyes to the man's avariciousness. That time he had gone to the prophet for special prayers and the man had made it a point of duty to demand for a huge amount of money from him before praying for him had made him the seer's adversary.

Indeed, he had more than that money with him but he had felt the money the seer had asked for was too much to give for a church's project and had begged the prophet to reduce his demands a bit so he could effect the transfer but the seer had bluntly refused that plea, insisting on having it all or none at all.

The seer had even refused to do the spiritual consultation he came for when he had also refused to give in to his demands and he had been forced to leave his place in great anger. Finding the seer mixed up in this deep mess amused him as their ambush to get him nabbed got closer.

Shade had gone to a school to get the applicable students' information for their enrolment on the Charles's Foundation, she had returned home to meet the silent treatment. She was troubled at the sudden cold treatment she was receiving from everyone she met, that hadn't been there when she left in the morning

She knew something was wrong but couldn't place her hands on it. She sensed deep-seated anger directed towards her, but no one looked her in the eye. She was quite used to the envy her status as the most preferred mistress of Charles's harem had brought her way but what she sensed now was stronger than that.

Her making these many sworn enemies started from when she became the seer's favorite mistress not when she joined his harem. Her new status had stirred up many negative emotions but she hadn't cared about that until now. She pushed the door to her special apartment open, only the well-favored ladies in the seer's life were assigned such exotic rooms.

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