Mighty, The Wedded Horrors.

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For Gerald and Adelaide, each moment dragged on with painful slowness, leaving them both feeling battered and weary. Adelaide forced small smiles to mask her inner turmoil, enduring her new husband's cold glares and his deliberate avoidance of any physical contact. Each interaction felt like a fresh wound, etching itself into the fabric of the night.

As the darkness deepened, the atmosphere grew heavier, suffused with tension and unease. Despite the lavish feast laid out before them, Adelaide longed only for the solace of her chambers, yearning to escape the relentless nightmare that had become her reality. Yet, she knew there was no reprieve to be found, no refuge from the harsh truth that now bound her.

A lump formed in Adelaide's throat, threatening to suffocate her with its weight. She cast her eyes downward, hiding the glistening tears that threatened to betray her facade of composure. Unbeknownst to her, Gerald witnessed her silent struggle, his heart heavy with a mix of sympathy and resentment.

To Gerald, Adelaide's tears seemed unjustified, a cruel reminder of the unequal burden they both now bore. In his eyes, she had attained what she desired – a union with the prince of a formidable kingdom. Yet, her distress touched a chord within him, igniting a fierce turmoil of emotions.

With a heavy sigh, Gerald turned away, his patience worn thin by the relentless charade they were forced to endure. The masquerade had taken its toll, leaving him weary and disheartened, yearning for respite from the tangled web of duty and obligation.

Gerald's departure echoed with a resolute finality, drawing Adelaide's gaze towards his retreating form. His tense posture and clenched fists spoke volumes, a silent testament to the turmoil raging within him as he distanced himself from her. Yet, Adelaide found herself feeling not sorrow, but a peculiar sense of relief at his departure. The respite from his scorching glares, the weight of his disdainful presence lifted, granting her a brief reprieve from the torment of their forced union. It was a small respite, a mere taste of the trials that lay ahead.

A gentle touch on her shoulder, accompanied by a tender voice, broke through Adelaide's reverie. Sophia's compassionate words washed over her, a soothing balm to the wounds inflicted by Gerald's harsh departure. "I apologize on behalf of my brother's behavior, my dear," Sophia spoke with a gentle tone, her words chosen with care. "This situation is entirely new to him, and he may not yet know how to navigate it."

Adelaide turned to face the radiant princess, mustering a semblance of warmth in her smile. "Thank you, Princess Sophia," she murmured softly, her words laced with resignation. "I understand the struggle your brother faces, thrust into this unfamiliar situation."

Sophia's furrowed brow betrayed her concern, prompting Adelaide to offer reassurance. "Please, don't blame yourself, Princess," Adelaide insisted, her tone gentle yet firm. "I harbor no ill will towards your brother. We are both victims of circumstances beyond our control."

Though Sophia's words carried genuine empathy, Adelaide could sense the unspoken anguish hidden behind her sister-in-law's eyes. She understood the weight of Sophia's unspoken concerns, the silent reproach directed towards her brother for callously abandoning Adelaide after leading her into a false sense of love and security. In that shared moment of understanding, Adelaide found solace in the silent solidarity between them, a silent acknowledgment of the injustices they both bore.

Adelaide averted her gaze from the princess, unwilling to reveal her inner turmoil. Suppressing her swirling emotions, she let out a sigh before meeting Sophia's eyes. "Forgive me, my princess, but may I be excused?" she asked with a tremor in her voice.

Sensing Adelaide's distress, Sophia offered a sympathetic nod. "Of course, my dear," she replied, her voice filled with compassion. Adelaide nodded in gratitude before bowing her head and offering a curtsy as she made her exit.

Sophia couldn't shake off the weight of concern for her sister-in-law. "What have you done, Fredrick?" she murmured to herself, her thoughts drifting to the turmoil Adelaide must be facing.

As she pondered, Sophia heard a soft exhale behind her. Turning, she found Zachary standing with his hands clasped before him. He offered a respectful nod as their eyes met. "Your Highness," he greeted in a subdued tone. Sophia sighed inwardly, knowing that Zachary had been assigned to accompany her. Despite her frustration, she couldn't fault him for fulfilling his duty, even if it meant he couldn't be with his friend in need.

As the ceremony concluded, the harsh reality of their situation began to sink in for the young couple. King Redmond had arranged accommodation for the King of Adorea and his family at the guest palace, not far from Adelaide's home. However, now that she was married into the Wildingham family, she was expected to reside with her new husband and his family. The mere thought of being alone with Gerald under the same roof sent shivers down her spine, causing her to tightly clutch the fabric of her mother's gown as if it were a lifeline. It felt like their embrace was a desperate attempt to freeze time, to prolong their precious moments together. Yet, Adelaide knew that in six days, she would have to bid farewell to her beloved family and kingdom, embarking on a new journey with Prince Gerald. The idea of leaving everything she held dear behind left her head spinning.

As Adelaide leaned into her mother's comforting touch, her thoughts raced with uncertainty and fear. With a trembling breath, she pulled away slightly to meet her mother's gaze, searching for reassurance in her eyes. However, as the queen averted her gaze, unable to meet her daughter's despairing stare, Adelaide realized that her mother's words offered little solace. The weight of the impending separation settled heavily upon her shoulders, and despite her mother's attempt to offer comfort, Adelaide couldn't shake the feeling of impending loneliness and isolation awaiting her in her new life.

To the people of Lovaria, royal guests were akin to divine figures, and with the arrival of the King and Queen Redmond's entourage, including their daughter and her new in-laws, the efforts to ensure their comfort and security were redoubled. The guest palace was transformed into a spectacle of elegance, adorned with fragrant flowers and flickering candles casting a warm glow. A battalion of the King's palace staff was enlisted to craft delectable feasts fit for royalty, while a legion of helpers stood ready to attend to every need of their esteemed guests.

Though the grandeur of the reception overwhelmed many, Gerald remained stoic, his emotions hidden behind a mask of composure. However, Adelaide keenly observed the subtle signs of his discontent, feeling a pang of offense at his apparent displeasure. Despite this, she chose to overlook his demeanor, unwilling to engage in conflict on their first night together as husband and wife.

After the formalities of their welcome had concluded, the weary guests retired to their chambers, seeking respite from the day's events. Yet, as the night descended, Adelaide found herself consumed by apprehension. It wasn't the fear of Gerald's advances that troubled her, but rather the prospect of being alone with her enigmatic and volatile new husband, unsure of what to expect in the privacy of their shared quarters.

"I do not care, mother. I don't care if she listens, but I am not going to stay in the same room as hers!" Adelaide heard her husband's voice booming from outside their chamber, his anger palpable even through the closed door. Despite his mother's attempts to hush him, his frustration knew no bounds – and why should it? Adelaide pondered silently.

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