chapter 21 recovery.

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Y/n has not woken up since he gave in to his desires for a bit.

Mileena has extensive injuries from the fall. And is currently hospitalized in a special forces medical tent.

Sonya Blade meets with Raiden.

Sonya: I don't agree with this.

Raiden: Agree with what?

Sonya: Keeping the enemy unchained. You're treating her like you two are best friends.

Raiden: There is a reason for that. A reason I can't explain.

Sonya: Fine! Then explain what the hell happened out there! I recognized that guy from the tournament. What the hell is he?!

Raiden went to speak but paused.

Sonya: I'm starting to think that you have you're own agenda. And I'm not a fan.

Raiden: No. I am just doing what is best for Earthrealm.

Sonya: That is a tyrant's argument!

Raiden: I need you to trust me.

Sonya: Then give me a reason to.

Xerox: I'll give you one.

Xerox appears.

Xerox: Raiden is not you're enemy.

Sonya: And who are you?

Xerox: I am Xerox of Khaciarealm.

Sonya: And why are you here?

Xerox: To ensure that this timeline survives.

Sonya: Survive what?

Xerox: A threat that you can't defeat. For the first time since it's existence. We have a potentially permanent solution.

Sonya: You're talking about the "champion of Earthrealm"?

Xerox: Yes. Y/n can be the equalizer. He can be the champion of all timelines.

Kano and the black dragon are in Outwold freeing the hostages.

The defeat at the soulnado site has caused Shao Khan to devise a new strategy.

However. Mileena's disappearance has caused Shao Khan to believe that she has been captured by Earthrealm. This causes him to not kill the hostages.

Mileena attempts to get out of the bed she is placed in. But fails. Xerox enters the tent with Howitz and Sylver.

Xerox: Let no one in.

Howitz and Sylver nod and exit.

Mileena: How bad is it?

Xerox: Not that bad, all things considered.

Mileena: Is Y/n awake yet?

Xerox: No.

Mileena: I want to see him.

Xerox: I know. But you can't, not yet.

Mileena: think he' okay?

Xerox: Physically, yes. Mentally, I don't know.

Mileena: I...I need to be there when he wakes up!

Xerox: Rest. If you push too hard, it'll take longer to heal.

Mileena: But.

Xerox: No. Rest.

Xerox left the tent. And instructed Howitz and Sylver to stand guard.

Howitz went to use a latrine.

Sonya walked up to the tent. Sylver stood in her way.

Sonya: Out of my way. I have some questions for our "guest".

Sylver: Not happening. I'm under strict orders not to let anyone but Y/n see Mileena.

Sonya: Not in my camp! Move or i'll make you move.

Sylver: Try it.

Sylver kicked Sonya and knocked her backwards.

Sonya got up and prepared herself for the fight.

Sylver rushed at Sonya. Sonya predicted his movements and landed a knee to the gut. Sylver backed up and ran circles around her a few times.

He got a few cheap shots in before Sonya had enough and managed to predict one of his cheap shots.

She managed to catch his arm and take him to the ground in an armbar. She dislocated his shoulder. Sylver let of a wail of pain.

Suddenly. Sonya saw a hand grab her by the neck. She let go of Sylver and tried to pry the hand off of her. She saw that her attacker was Howitz.

Howitz lifted her up and slammed her on the ground. He went to stomp on her skull. But was surprised when he received a shadow kick by Johnny Cage.

Johnny: *sarcastic* This looks like fun. Mind if I join?

Howitz regained his composure and charged at Johnny. Johnny dodged a punch by doing a split and punched Howitz in the balls.

Howitz groaned in pain and stumbled backwards.

Howitz regained his composure and delivered a full force punch to Johnny. The punch sent him crashing down to the ground.

Jax appears and punches Howitz. Howitz returns the punch and they trade blows.

After a few seconds. Howitz falls backwards and struggles to get up.

Jax: That's that.

Johnny turns and sees an angry Xerox.

Johnny: *surprised* Oh shit.

Xerox punches Johnny and knocks him out instantly.

Jax goes for a punch but Xerox catches it and punches Jax in the face until he falls unconscious.  

Xerox looks at Sonya who prepares for an attack.

Xerox: Do not pick this fight.  You will lose.

Sonya: I'm not getting any reason to trust you.

Xerox: Consider my mercy, reason enough.

The invasion continues. And with Y/n unconscious. Earthrealm is on it's own.

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