School Camp Part 2

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Futaro- Damn it. I'm next!

Itsuki- You seem oddly pumped about this

Y/n- Well, other than your place and mine, he hasn't spent a night away from home since elementary school

Futaro- You just love making me look pathetic, huh?

Y/n- Yes I do bud... You don't have much on me

Futaro- Tokyo Incident 4th grade

Y/n- You said you would forget that...Uesugi

Yotsuba- What happened in Tokyo?

Futaro- Well...

Y/n- Futaro... don't

Futaro- Y/n dropped a bunch of sticky rice on himself. He didn't have any clothes left and even when he tried to take it off it would... partially he couldn't reach it, but it never came off

Y/n- Welp, I'm jumping out of the car

Yotsuba- Well, you wouldn't get far. We've been stuck in traffic for more than an hour

You were able to find an inn and get a room

Y/n- Just great... we have 7 people... but it's a four-person room

Nino- I'm not sharing a room with Futaro

Yotsuba- They had a large group that came in without a reservation. This was the only one that was available

Nino- We have the car

Yotsuba- He had work, so he went home

Nino- Oh, hey, there was a room in front of the inn

Y/n- The dog house?!

Yotsuba- They'll be dead by morning!

Nino- They'll be fine

Yotsuba- No way!

Futaro- This is a great inn! Let's stop complaining and enjoy ourselves

Nino- gather 'round girls!

They gathered in a circle, backs facing both you and Futaro

Nino- Listen up, everyone be careful

Itsuki- For what?

Nino- You know. We're going to be sharing a room tonight. Keep in mind, they're men

Itsuki- That won't happen

Y/n- Let's do it

Itsuki- W-What?!

Y/n- Cards, I want to show you all a game I learned in the west. Blackjack

Futaro- Don't tell me you picked up a gambling addiction

Y/n- It's relapse time!! Goodbye step 5

Futaro- You're in rehabilitation!?

Y/n- Of course not!! "Anymore"

It was a devastating game, even after letting them cheat, you still won... Another trip back to rehab. Yet, that evening you attempted to heal their wound with food

Futaro- Holy crap! I want to take it home in Tupperware

Y/n- Don't, dammit

Yotsuba- The curry rice tomorrow is going to look really sad after this

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