School Camp Part 3

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(When someone is speaking English) Example

Y/n (In English)- Man I'm done with all of that!!

Futaro- What did you say?!

School Camp

Yotsuba- One, Two...

Y/n- "She chopped the wood in half with one hit, kinda scary" Good job

Yotsuba- That was fun!

Y/n- I think we can stop now, Yotsuba! You've chopped enough wood for the rest of the year!

Yotsuba- I gotta take care of stuff for the Test of Courage! Take over for me, okay?

Y/n- Yeah... sure

Yotsuba- Thank you!

Everyone else had started the curry-making contest, unfortunately, you weren't able to get any of the Quints, not even Futaro. All of your team was fangirls

Fangirl #1- Y/n~! We need more wood~! " Him chopping wood is so hot"

Y/n- "Kill me" Yeah Yeah

Fangirl #2- Come on, we have to make this good, use all of your efforts!

Y/n- "I'm not cooking at all, they're just using me for their damn fantasies!!" Uhh, I gotta use the bathroom, mind covering for me

Random dude- Uhh, sure

You walked through the other groups and circled around to Itsuki's group

Y/n- Soooo, how's it going

Itsuki- Gotta wait 32 seconds for it to cool down-- Ah! Y/n... Wh-What are you doing here?

Y/n- Faking a bathroom break, and maybe helping you

Itsuki- That's cheating though, we can't do that!

Y/n- It's only cheating if we get caught. And, my quote-on-quote perfect record, throughout school proves it

Itsuki- As much as I-- No, no thank you

Y/n- Fine, you're no fun

The night went on and You, Nino, and Itsuki went to the Test of Courage

Y/n- For a test of courage... it's kinda

Nino- Bland?

Itsuki- Scary?

the slightest twig snapping scared her into grabbing onto your arm

Y/n- What's that about?

Itsuki- My classmates told me this forest is haunted

Y/n- And you believed them? Nothing has scared me since I filmed Dark Deception... and Resident Evil... had nightmares for weeks after finishing those

Nino- Also the campfire legend. They have, like, zero credibility

Y/n- But for the fun of it, it's nice to believe in it

Itsuki let out a scream from a lantern

Nino- Who freaks out over such a cheap toy? I thought this school camp would be more fun. Instead, we have to share a room with you two right off the bat

Y/n- Once again, right here!

Nino- Good thing nothing happened, I guess

Y/n & Itsuki- So that wasn't you, was it?

Nino- What wasn't?

someone fell from the tree in a clown costume

Futaro- Go study!

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