Self defense

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Third persons POV:You woke up to Sundrop humming his tune,he then looks at you and a bright red light appears on his face,he smiles,and then spoke-...*

"Hey Sunshine!!!*His red lights get brighter*
Did you sleep well-..or do you need more rest,if you want,you can sleep more!
*he begins rocking you in his arms making you feel like a child*

Y/N:I'm ok Sundrop,thank you for carrying me in your arms while I-...sleep-..*you blush but barely enough for him to see,you then get up and head to the desk,grabbing your keys and making sure your wallet was in your pocket,so that way you know no kids have stolen it*

Sundrop:S-Sunshine,where are you going-..*his red lights became purple*
[Which means he's sad,not crying]
*you puts your hand on his mouth,making him silent*

Sundrop:I'm sorry sunshine,I don't mean to talk that much,but-..are you coming back..?
*he puts googley eyes on his eyes,making you giggle a little*

Y/N:Yes,I'm coming back,I just need to go take a shower and put on new clothes.*you smile*
I also might get you a gift partner-..*you wink at him and go out the two large doors,causing him to chase after you and hug you tightly*

Y/N:Sundrop!I.NEED.TO.GO!*you struggle*
Sundrop:You forgot our hug-...*the beams on the sun go down and hide his face,all you can see is a purple light coming from him*
Y/N:Awww,my Sundrop-..*you hug him back tightly,causing the sun beams to come off his face and make him smile,and turn the purple light,to red*

Sundrop:Thank you partner,now go home and get yourself cleaned up,I'll just wait for you in the daycare!*He then skips to the door and waves before closing it*
Y/N:Wow-...he's so nice*you smile and head to your car*

*You step inside your car,lock the door,then you try turning the key-...but your car is having a problem starting,you then hear a big "BANG!!" on your window,you look and it was some random man-...he had black hair,blue eyes,he looked 40-...and he looked homeless-...

Random Man:"Hey darling/Gentleman,can you open your door please-...?"*he chuckled*
"I wanna have a little talk with you is all I want-.."
Y/N:No,I will not-..what do you want from me-...?*You begin to become very nervous,turning your car keys again*
Random Man:I wanna have a conversation look beautiful/handsome...
*He talked like he was drunk,and he probably was too-...*

Y/N:I won't hesitate to get my friend here-...*you once again turn your cars keys,and the engine finally starts*
I have to go sir-...*You begin moving your car and he slips off,causing him to fall on his face,landing on the concrete*
Random Man:F*** YOU!! *He screams while holding his beer in the air,while standing in the parking lot*
Y/N:PERVERT!!*You scream at him*
*You then drive home,take a shower,change clothes,and go back to your car,heading to the store*

While in the store,you thought it would be a good idea to grab two walkie talkies and stickers for Sundrop.since he didn't like being alone without you,you then walk to the counter,and purchased both of the items,walking out the store*

*You then Came back to the LARGE building you worked at,and walked inside,going up about half of the buildings set of stairs,going down the slide,falling into the ball pit,which got Sundrops attention*

Sundrop:Partner,You're BACK,OH HOW I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH,I'VE BEEN WAITING,AND WAITING,AND WAITING FOR YOU!!*He wraps his arms around you tightly*
Y/N:Hah!I've missed you too,and do you want your gift-...?*you then smile*
Sundrop:OH,YOU GOT ME A GIFT,HOW KIND OF YOU PARTNER,IM SO EXCITED AND HAPPY AND JUST OVERALL GRATEFUL!!!*he then carries you and puts you on the bean bag chair in his lap*
Y/N:You excited buddy,you get to talk to me,ALL you want*You look up at him and smile*
Sundrop:YESSS!!*He says excitedly*
Y/N:Alright!*You smile more*

*you give him the walkie talkie,and stickers,and then you see him turn more yellow*
Sundrop:OH,Y/N I LOVE THESE!!*He puts some stickers on his walkie talkie and then some on his face and chest,he laughs and gives you a kiss on the side of his face,causing you to blush*
Y/N:I'm SO GLAD YOU ACTUALLY LIKE THEM!*You kiss his face,and he turns red,causing him to put a hand on his face,making him over-heated*

Sundrop:T-Thank you,partner-..*He puts his walkie talkie and his stickers in his chest plate,and puts his arms around you and cuddles you*
Y/N:Of course,anything for you sundrop! *you puts your arms on his arms and he watches you play games on your phone waiting for the kids to arrive*

Sundrop:Hey Y/N-...Thank you for still being my partner-...
Y/N:Of course Sunny!  ^^ *you smile*
Sundrop:Will you ever-...leave me-..?
Y/N:N-No!Of course not!*you put your phone in your pocket and turn around facing him,you then hug him tightly*
Sundrop:Don't ever leave me-..Please-..?*he hugs you tightly,but doesn't let you go*
Y/N:Of course not-..*a tear falls from your eye,causing sundrop to worry*
Sundrop:Y-YOU'RE CRYING!!*
Y/N:No I'm not buddy-..its happy tears*you smile*
Sundrop:I've never heard of those before-..but I hope they're good feelings!
Y/N:*you giggle*Yes they are-...

What his colors mean:
Red🔴-[blush/for face]
Purple🟣-[sad/for eyes]
Blue🔵-[crying/for around his eyes]
Pink💖-[Crush,Love/for his whole face]
Green🟢-[Sick,Not feeling well/for face]
Dark Orange🟠-[Mad/for his whole face]
White⚪-[Scared/eye color]
BRIGHT Yellow🟡-[Happy Tears/for around eyes]
Black⚫-[Bored/for eyes]
Part 5-.....?maybe-...?☀️ 🌙

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