I'm aware this is short, this chapter is just to let you guys know I'm back. now why is it that I left?? we won't talk about that...
"Uhm... I don't think she did, what do you mean Menma?" Sarada asked as she blushed intensely. "Anyway let's play another round, I swear I'll win this time!!" She grabbed the deck of cards and stared at them with a grin on her face. "Uh...I mean, ill win because you're a loser and I'll always win. I was being nice the last few rounds" she huffed.
"Right.....for some reason, I dont believe that" "you sound almost scared" Menma smirked and watched as she handed out the cards.
"What?! Me?! Scared?! Never!" she paused and flicked another card at his eye laughing as she watched him double over in pain.
Naruto grunted as he placed the last dish up in the restaurant "finally done..." "now for the counters" he quickly stretched before heading to the main counter to begin cleaning but not before taking a quick glance at the clock, it read 11:50 pm which meant he'd been working a total of thirteen hours in one day. He felt exhausted and hungry but he needed to keep this job so he was going to do whatever was damn possible to keep it. He had hardly noticed his boss come out of his office with all of his things as if he was ready to shut down the shop.
"Naruto? Oh, Jesus boy, what are you still doing here at this hour?" "have you no understanding of what time it is??" he questioned him with nothing but worry on his face.
"Well uh... I was only putting in extra hours y'know?" he scratched the back of his neck with a goofy smile.
"Oh for christ's sake, you know we don't have the money to-"
"I uhm...I understand you don't have the money, I kind of lost track of time and just decided to stay for the heck of it." Naruto quickly stopped the man. "Besides, I haven't been here that long past my original shift anyways" he lied.
"But your shift ends at-"
"Well, are you needing any help to lock up?!?" he frantically placed the things he was holding down and rushed over to help the old man carry his things outside the restaurant.
"Found you!" Menma laughed and tapped Sarada, the endless amount of games they had played were starting to tire them out and Sarada was ready to pass out. She quickly flopped on her back and breathed heavily. Then a loud shout could be heard from the far side of the house, Menma guessed it was Sasuke. He and Sarada's mother seemed to be arguing about something. He turned back to look at the girl and to only see the sadness on her face as if she was used to this.
"I guess you did" She giggled softly. Menma caught that she was tired and decided to lie next to her on his back. "Menma?"
"Yeah, Sarada?"
"Do you ever think of what life would be like if...we didn't know any of the people we knew today? Like if our entire life was a lie...how would you feel?" She asked, staring up at the ceiling while playing with her fingers.
"Hm? Wheres this coming from?" "and I guess I think of it sometimes. Everyone does at some point yknow?" after a couple beats of silence Menma sat up. "Sarada?" he then heard a soft snore coming from her and he smiled. He then got up to grab one of her blankets and placed it on her before lying down back in the spot he was in before and not long after falling asleep, the yelling becoming nothing but a buzz in the distance.
"What do you the papers are fucking lying Sakura?! Why won't you just fucking admit that you cheated on me with that bastard and lied to me about Sarada being mine?!" Sasuke angrily jabbed a finger towards Sai, who stood there with a blank face.
"Sasuke I dont even know how you find those- they aren't mine I swear!!" Sarada helplessly tried to persuade Sasuke by lying. "Sarada is-"
"Not my child!! You need to pack your shit and leave Sakura. I knew you were cheating on me what that-" Sasuke realized he was getting too angry and this wasn't like him, he doesn't even have feelings for Sakura, shouldn't he be happy right now? He could finally go to Naruto without the lingering thought of Sakura finding out. "I want a divorce. But for now, you need to go."

Menma Uchiha
RomanceNaruto meets his ex in a supermarket after 10 years. !!first chapter is short because this originally was meant to be a teaser one-shot!!!