Chapter 5

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Its been a few weeks since I met the turtles. We've all become best friends and I always go to see them now. Through these few weeks, I also met Casey and April who turned out to be my schoolmates. I guess I got closer to all of them and I couldn't wish for any better friends!

"Hahaha stop it Raph! " I screamed as I laughed when Raph wouldn't stop tickling me! "RAPPHHHHH!!!!" I was already tearing up from the laughing!

" Then say that Raph is the best!" He offered while tickling me. I really had a feeling he would say that. Just cuz I wouldn't admit that he was awesome he tickles me. No. I don't get how that works.

"Never!!" I manage to squeeze out between my hysterical laughter.

"Then I think you need a bit more!" Then he began to tickle me even harder.

"Leee! Help!" I shouted and Leo wandered into the room.

"Woah. Val what did you do this time?"

"Heh. Wouldn' admit that I was awesome. Needed a lil encouragement~" Raph replied instead.

But what Raph didn't know was that I~~~ needed a distraction! (winks ;P) While he was engrossed arguing with Lee, I pushed myself up slightly and spun my right leg across his feet making him fall on his turtle tushie while I picked myself off the floor and dusted myself off.

LEO'S FACE WAS PRICELESS. He just stood there with his mouth wide open, eyes out like they were gonna drop out of his head.

I started to burst out in laughter when I looked at Raph. He looked soo confused , bet he didn't expect my awesome Skills!

After I collected myself, I stretched out my hand to the turtle on the floor. "Sorry. You okay?"

He just stared at me blankly. "Didn't know you could do that." I just smiled while helping him up.

"Lots of things you don't know bout' me. Like how I trained too!" I stuck my tougue out mischieviously at him. Hehe I saved that for a rainy day!

Instead of commenting on my skills, Rapha quickly tried to sweep my feet too. But luckily, I saw his moves coming, grabbed his shoulder and jumped over his sweep. Using his shoulder, I balanced myself and spun myself to land behind him.

But the attack didn't stop there, Raph did a backflip and almost hit me but I managed to dodge it by moving slightly. Then when he punched me, I blocked it with my right arm and pushed him back with my left arm.

"Hmph not bad. " Did I just hear Raph say that?

" Not bad indeed. " We turn around as we saw Master Splinter walk into the room with his hands, one holding his cane, and the other behind his back. He stared at me then started to speak again.

I straightened myself up in front of him as well as the others.

"Valerie. May I speak to you?"

I nodded and he flicked his tail as he walked back into the dojo. I followed behind him and closed the door when I reached.

He looked at me a minute then started again. "I see potential in you Valerie. Would you consider being a kounoiche?"

I was seriously surprised by his offer. Me? A kunouiche?

"I would be honoured to Sensei! "

"I am sure you all heard that my sons. Come out. It is time for training!"

Then the guilty turtles slowly tumbled out through the doorway with michievious faces of getting caught in the act.

"Valerie will be joining in training starting from today. I would like to test her skill. Micheangelo. You shall spar with her. Do not go easy on her!"

Mikey nodded as he stood up from his previous position. "Wait! So dudette doesn't get any weapons? "

"Its fine. I can handle myself. " I smiled as we stepped into the sparring space of the dojo. The other guys kneeled at the side of the room while Master Splinter shouted some word I don't know. Which I assume means start.

Mikey sprints lowly at me holding his nunchucks. He swung his weapons at my body but I dodged with a backflip. I backflipped onto the tree and swung myself up a branch. Mikey then swung his chains at me, I merely jumped off the branch onto the floor and swept my foot under his legs to trip him. But Mikey seemingly understood what I was going to do and jumped backwards. He then rushed to punch me while I was close but I grabbed it with my arm. Since I was holding his arm, I flipped him over my shoulder and he landed on his shell with a thud.

Sensei then shouted another word I didn't understand and I reached out my hand, pulling Mikey up. All of them stared blankly at me... Is that a good thing or bad?


Donnie stood up with the call of his name, spinning his bo staff around him and getting into his attacking stance. I also prepared my defence stance by putting my right arm over my left in a X formation, ready for him to strike.

I really love how Donnie fights. His moves are, complex. Every move of his, clearly planned, designed to create the most damage. But sadly, the flaw to his plan is that sometimes, its a little too predictable. When I attack with a certain move, he only has certain choices that he makes. This makes him a bit easier to know where hes going to be.

He stabbed his bo staff first near my face and I ducked under to avoid it. I turned and angled my elbow to hit his plastron and shot out. He quickly defended but with my fast reflexes, I did a back kick at his side and he flew back to the nearest wall. Sensei stopped the round as Donnie picked himself up from the ground and rubbed his side. Oh my goshhhh! Hes totally pouting!

I smiled cheekily and said " Lucky shot!"

Sensei nodded his head and stroked his seemingly beard as he seemed to be contemplating about something.

"We will continue the training tommorrow. Go on your patrol for now. Oh. And bring Valerie."

He slowly walked away leaving us in the dojo staring at his dissappeared figure behind the door.

---Time Skippp---

We were jumping roof to roof, me and the boys enjoying the thrill of the wind in our faces and the distance of the roofs from the ground.

In the midst of our actions, we heard a rustling, the purple dragons. Finally some exitement!

Honestly, I have always wanted to go on a patrol with them, but I think I would just drag them down...

We jumped from the roof, ambushing the astonished purple dragons.

"Turtles! " was all they managed to say before we already started our attack....


Hi!!! Sorry for the long delay, I actually forgot to post this chapter XD

I hope you liked what I wrote! Took me a long time since I have a pea brain but y'know I try!

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