5- Ice Skating

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if you know me irl you know i had to do this 😌
Camilo's POV

Delores, Antonio, and I were dragged by Luisa to an ice rink a few hours from our town. She claims that her friend Y/N is very talented at ice skating, even though they're self-taught.

We get inside and get our skates on. I have to tie Antonio's, but that's no problem.

"You guys excited?" Luisa asks, lacing her final skate.

"Nervous," Delores chuckles.

"Y/N is super nice. They can teach
you things if you want!"

"I'm ready, I'll see you guys on the ice," I say, standing up and awkwardly walking onto the rink.

I cling onto the wall and see this person in the middle of the rink with (hair color) hair and white/black ice skates on.

Luisa's strong voice calls out, "Y/N! Get over here!!"

The person I was watching looks over and smiles widely, skating over and doing a fancy stop with one of their skates behind the other.

"Luisa! It's been forever!" Y/N hugs her and turns to me. "You must be... Camilo, right?"

"The one and only," I smile. I try to stick out my hand for a handshake but end up slipping and clinging back onto the wall.

They laugh, "First time, huh?"

I nod. Their laugh is so cute.

"Luisa! I learned a new jump!" Y/N says all of a sudden.

"Which one?" She responds excitedly.

Y/N goes back into the middle and does some fancy jump and lands a little bit wobbly. Come on Camilo, like you could do better.

"Is that the Salchow you've been working on?" Luisa asks excitedly.

Y/N nods and goes to do it once more.


I've eventually been able to skate around without the wall. Y/N approaches me and starts asking me stuff about skating.

"Do you watch any Olympic skating?" they ask.

I respond, "Not really. I'm sure you're better than them though, with looks and skill."

Their cheeks grow pink at my comment and I smirk at my success.

"W-well, is there anything you'd want to see me do? And before you say it, no, I cannot do a triple axel."

I think for a second before replying, "Can you do one of those spins with one foot in the air?"

"An upright or camel?" Y/N asks.

I stay silent, not knowing the difference.

"I'll do a camel since I'm better at those."


God, Luisa's cousin is super charming. I want to impress him with my skating skills, and it looks like he's already intrigued by my salchow.

I skate towards the middle of the rink and start to do the entrance to a camel spin. I do the three turn and start rotating, putting my leg up parallel to the ice. After about six or seven rotations, I check out of the spin and skate back to Camilo.

"It wasn't very centered but yeah," I smile.

"That was so cool! How did you do that?" He asks, his eyes sparkling.

"Lots and lots of practice and criticism. Some advice from me with skating in general: don't be scared to fall. It may hurt, but if you get up and try again, you'll get better."

Camilo nods and smiles. We both start to skate around in circles, talking about whatever comes to mind.

"And one time, Delores went to a concert and had to leave five minutes in because her ears started bleeding," He says. "She's fine now, though."

"That sounds awful, your house must be so quiet!" I respond.

Camilo laughs, "Yeah, not really. Casita's alive."

"I remember Luisa talking about that. How does it work?"

Camilo's POV

Yes! Y/N is asking about Casita and our Gifts! Time to show off.

"We think it's Abuela whose presence lets the house live. Since she distributes the Gifts to everyone and all," I explain.

"What's your gift?"

I smirk and then shapeshift into Luisa, then into Delores, then into Y/N. I look into their eyes and see that they're impressed.

I shift back into myself and smile, "Shapeshifting is my gift. Delores can hear everything, she's probably listening to us right now," I point across the rink and just as suspected, there she is, staring at the two of us.

"How are you, Delores?" Y/N asks in a whisper. Delores responds with a thumbs-up before skating over to Luisa.

"She's great. My brother Antonio can talk to animals. Can't really demonstrate it here, but it's pretty impressive," I say.

Y/N nods and says, "I wish I had a Gift. Do you get a choice?"

I shake my head no. They kinda bum out for a little before brightening up again.

"That's no worry, even if I could have a Gift, I have figure skating!" they smile and do a little spin on one foot.

I glance at the clock and see that the time is 2:25- the session is over soon.

"Hey, the session is almost over. Are you gonna get off?" I ask.

They look at the clock and say, "Oh yeah, lemme get my jacket and phone."

I nod and skate off of the rink. I sit down on one of the benches and start taking off my skates.

Y/N sits next to me not much longer, reaching over into their bag and grabbing a (favorite color) rag and starts wiping off their blades.

"Uh, do I need to do that for these?" I ask, pointing at my rental skates.

"Nah, they do that for you when you return them," they say, putting some type of cloth on the blade and switching to the other one with the rag.

I get up with Luisa to return my skates.

She turns to me and says, "So, you and Y/N, huh? I knew you would like them."

I blush and stutter, "Wha- I just met them, what are you talking about?"

She just laughs and puts her skates on the counter.

Y/N approaches us with their bag on their back and normal shoes on.

"I'm gonna head out, I'll see you guys later!" they say, pulling Luisa into a hug.

I awkwardly hold out my hand for a handshake, but they just laugh and pull me into a hug too.

"Oh, here. Text me when you can!"
Y/N hands me a scrap of paper, winks at me, and leaves the room, heading up the stairs and out of the building.

I hear Delores giggle, "You've got a crush, Camilo. Your heart is racing."

I roll my eyes and put Y/N's number into my phone, adding a '<3' after their name.

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