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It has been a month sense you got to Karasuno , everything is alright or is it.
You wake up got ready for the day, then you started walking to school " Y/N" Hinata yell getting your attention.

( you and Hinata have been Best friends since the first day of school)

"Hey Hinata how are yo today" "Yeah I'm good are you ready for practice" Hinata say looking at you while saying that " Yeah oh , and the coach say that today he had a announcement and that it was really important" " He did? I don't remember" " You don't because you where fighting with Kageyama" you say almost yelling at him " Ok you don't need to get mad...geez?" " Just keep moving, you don't want to be late right?" You say "Nooooooo..".

After 15 mins of walking

You got to the gate of the school and ant straight to the gym , when you got there you started to hear screaming from the inside and it was already normal to the both of you so you didn't panic "Hey guys, sorry for being a little late is just that someone didn't want to walk fast" you say after opening the door and going in. After everyone greeted you, you went to Kyoko and Yachi to the water fountain " Hey girls, how are you" " Hey y/n-Chan" Yachi say smiling at you " Hello y/n, we are doing good how are you?" Kiyoko said " same as always" you say smiling back.

After practice

All of you went to class,then the bell ring meaning that it was time for lunch, you and Shoyo went to the cafeteria and went to the table  the rest of the team was at. "Hey guys how are you" you say while siting down next to Tsukishima your homie "Hey gorgeous" Tanaka say winking at you "Simp" you and Tsukishima say at the same time "Jinx's" again at the same time "Double jinx's" again "Shut up" Tsukishima say in a annoyed tone "Ok damn..." you say rolling your eyes at him.

After lunch

Then bell ring you stood up and started walking to your gym class when a girl came and push you and you kiss the floor when you hit it. "Well, well look who it is 'The whore of the school'" Camila say.

( I'm sorry if that's your name you can change it if you want)

You got up and when to her face " If you have a problem with me say it to my face bitch" you say glaring at her. Then she came and grab your hair and started to pull you back and you hit the wall "You are so dead bitch" you say then you push her away from you, she fell and you tuck the opportunity to get in top of her and punch her in the face with out stopping.

10 mins later

Then the couch came and separated you two and take you two to the principals office. "Will you two explain why where you fitting!" the principle say looking between the both of you "That bitch call me a whore" you say in a annoyed tone and almost yelling in the principals face " language! now what about you Camila" " ...." "I see how it is Ms.l/n you will have 2 weeks of detention and you Camila 3 weeks for calling to Ms.l/n" "What!? Why!?she only got two and she did this to my pretty face" "Pretty who tall you that lie your little mom, how pathetic".


You enter the gym and went straight to the bench seeing the boys practice " y/n I told you not to get in fights" the couch Ukai say and the boys stop to look at you and the bruise on your face. "Y/N! why did you punch a girl in the face!" Takeda sensei say yelling at you " She called me a whore, did you think I will let someone humiliate me. Then you are fucking wrong!" You yell at him " If you keep this up you are going out of the team" " what? really..nevermind" as you say that you stood up and when outside.

As you where walking to the park you hear someone yelling from behind you " Y/n wait up" you turn around to find Hinata running up to you " need something" " Why did you run away like that everyone is worry for you" " Hinata I'm not going back...I just can't" " Y/n you just need to say sorry for yelling and all that, you can come back if you say that" " You now Hinata you are really a good best friend" " Yeah best friend...".


"Hey guys sorry for running away like that" you say opening the gym door and seeing everyone practicing with out talking. " Y/n I'm sort for saying mean things to you earlier" Tekeda sensei say looking at you with a sad look in he's eyes " Awww don't need to apologize it was also my fault for yelling at you" you went up to him going to give him a hug.

After practice

" Okay guys Tejera sensei got use to go to a training camp we call your parents and they say you could go if you pass your test so you have a week to study and pass them"

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