chapter nine // run

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clay's pov


well shit.

he's now gotten through the door with me hiding under the bed. his room is pretty big and it was pretty hard to get up under the bed since its really low off of the floor so there's a slim chance that he just won't look up under here.

i can hear angry footsteps start walking towards the bed and i can feel the first sweat drop roll down my forehead. the sweating is from nervousness from clay finding me and it also being really fucking hot underneath this damn bed.

i can hear clay murmuring pretty psychotic phrases to himself and i such as 'where are you george' or 'we both know my room is on the second floor and there's no way you could survive a fall like that so i know you're in here'

clay walks around his room for a bit looking in the closet, the bathroom, behind his vanity, everywhere. i can tell he's getting pretty frustrated so i carefully peak my head out a little bit and i can see him facing the door running his hands through his hair out of frustration.

i keep looking at him until he turns around, looking at his headboard. at first i thought i was safe until his eyes fall down a bit and meet mine. we hole direct eye contact with his squinted, angry eyes and my widened, terrified eyes.

his angry frown turns into a devilish smirk and then he says "oh georgeee~ i found youuu" with a confident, yet mad tone in his voice.

i quickly pull my head back under the bed and crawl flush, up against the wall, under the headboard. my breathing picks up and my hands start to shake.

what will happen if he gets me? will he actually hurt me? is he actually that mad because i couldn't control my sas?

i jolt away from my thoughts due to clay pulling up the skirt of the bed and start manically laughing below me. he starts reaching for my legs but realizes that his arms are too short to reach so he moves to one of the sides on the bed and manages to get a firm grip on one of my ankles.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! LET GO OF ME!" i scream while using my other foot to try and kick his hand away. i know he can't use his other hand cause well... i kinda squashed it....... anyways..

i use my free foot to try and push his hand off while i'm pulling my foot towards me. then, he grabs both my ankles in one of his hands and starts pulling me out from under the bed.

i scream and try to grab anything that is in arms reach to keep him from pulling me out but to my avail, nothing. nothing at all.

i flinch as i can feel the fresh breeze, the cooling air of clay's room hitting my legs. clay continues to pull me out with me flailing all over the place and screaming. i reach my arms up for one last hope of grabbing something when the back of my hands hit something.

i tilt my head up to see the very edge of the bed frame caught on my hands. i grab the bed frame with all of the remaining power left in my body. i manage to get a firm grip on it as clay finishes pulling me out with my legs being held in the air and me holing on for dear life to his expensive bed frame.

"let go you little bitch" clay spits through gritted teeth. "clay, put me down!" i retaliate. he continues to thrash me around before finally getting so frustrated to the point where he just kneed me in the stomach.

i immediately let go of the bed frame and cower into a ball on the floor.

"oh you little shit, you're really going to get it now", he says, voice dripping with venom.

i immediately uncurl myself from a ball and get up and dash straight for the door.

i grab the door handle as fast and i can whilst dream is screaming at me to stop.

i fling open the door and take a fun for the elevator. i pass all the different doors and continue running.

i reach the end of the corridor and take a sharp, left turn, almost slipping in the process.

i hurry up to the elevator and push the down button, over five times, thinking that it will make the elevator speed up.

i hear clay's loud footsteps coming closer and closer. aswell as his shouting for me to 'get back here'.

i hear a 'ding', signaling that the elevator is here. i snap my head towards the metal doors that slowly open.

i rush inside and his the first floor button. the doors slowly start to shut and all i can think is 'can these doors close any slower?'

i can hear clay screaming from outside, tell me he's approximately turning the corner now.

the doors are now about six inches apart and i then see clay come into view of the elevator doors.

my eyes widen and my face pales in fear and i see the horrid expression on his face.

his face is bright red from rage and his eyebrows are closely furrowed together.

i wouldn't be surprised if smoke started coming out of his ears and a whistle sound could be heard because he looked so furious.

the doors finally close and i feel my body relax. i feel the jolt of the elevator start to slowly retract back to the bottom.

i plan in my head that as soon as these doors open, i'm making a run for a place to hide since i know the doors are heavy and locked.

i look up at the lit up screen and see the number '2' change into a '1'. i prepare myself to sprint as fast as i can.

the elevator beeps and the doors slowly open. as soon as i feel that i can fit in between the doors, i sprint out.

hi everyone

i hope you enjoy this chapter

i'm getting more and more ideas by the day and the book is slowly coming together in my head so please don't give up on me i promise i will finish this book

don't forget to drink water

i love you

1085 words

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