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Misaki woke up with a hand draped on his waist. "Usagi-san.." He mumbled as he tried to pry away the man's arms only to realize it wasn't his lover's hands, he immediately sprung up and a wave of nausea hit him. He run to the bathroom vomitted his guts out he stink so bad now. He felt the throbbing of his head and walked out of the bathroom. He looked around and racked his brain for what happened yesterday and his face immediately turned red when he realized who the other man on the bed was.

"Uhm..Onodera-san.." He tried to shake the man and Ritsu's eyes immediately shot up. He regretted waking up and he also went straight to the bathroom. Takano-san will kill me. He looked at his clothes and thank all the gods when he realized that it's still intact. He walked out the bathroom and stared at the younger man.

"Here, take this pain killer." He gave Misaki the tablets and thank him. Misaki in return gave him a glass of water. "Thank you Takahashi-kun. I'm sorry you've gotten yourself involved with me last night." The younger man widened his eyes and said "N-no! It's my fault sorry to trouble you!" To Ritsu's surprise Misaki put on his bag and bowed his head then turned towards the door.

"I'll- I'll pay you back Onodera-san and thank you for having me but I'm sorry..I really need to get going." Or my landlord will kill me. Ritsu looked at his watch and almost flipped when he realized he's going to be late.

"Wait for me Takahashi-kun. I need to go to work too." He grabbed all his things at once and they both got out of the hotel. Hoping people will not recognize them and thank god it was still a bit early for people to go out of their rooms. He paid their bill in the front desk and they ride in a train. They were both feeling unwell and their phones aren't working. They both looked anxiously at their phones and hoping for the best.

After a few minutes they arrived at the station, "Uhm..see you soon i guess?" Ritsu smiled at the boy in front of him.

"I will definitely contact you Onodera-san! I'll pay you back! Definitely!" He bowed and he instantly regretted it when he felt a ringing on his head.

"H-hey are you okay? You really need to go home Takahashi-kun." Ritsu helped him up and Misaki smiled shyly.

"I'm fine. Thank you Onodera-san!" And they parted ways.

Misaki opened the door to the penthouse only to be met by his lover on the sofa, eyebags under his eyes and it's obvious that he clearly didn't even sleep. The lavender eyes met his and the man pinned him to the door. They stared at each other and guilt washed over Misaki's body, the last thing he wants is to trouble the man.

"Where were you last night?! Do you even know- " He almost choked on his words but he didn't continue. He just wrapped Misaki in a bone-crushing hug. "Uhm..Usagi-san.. I can't breathe." He tried to protest but he knew it was just all in vain.

"Who were you with? I heard a man on the other line..Who did you go drinking with? Where did you sleep? Did he touch you? What did he do to you?" Usami is sounding more and more jealous so Misaki relaxes his shoulders. He like this side of him rather than his worried expression. He hold Usagi's shoulders and slowly push him away.

"I-I'm sorry Usagi-san..My phone shut down and I can't contact you but I swear nothing happened!" He stared at the man and bowed his head so low and without warning, Usami picked him up and flung him on his shoulder. Misaki want to protest but he just can't find any energy to do so, he was so tired and his head is still throbbing. He was tossed down in the bed and he tried to run away when the man caught him and hugged him from behind.

"I said I would trust you...But you were gone all night..I thought..I thought.." Misaki was stunned to hear his lover's voice. He stayed like that for a minute. He wants to feel his body's warmth. Usagi's smell always comforted him. Oh how he missed him. He want to say he wouldn't leave the man and he love him but, as usual, it was stuck on his throat and instead of loving words he said what his mind could think of.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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